Responsive application
Web application could be easily opened with your tablets, phones etc.
Online application works faster – we used a speed perfomance optimization
technologies like Google Pagespeed, SVG graphics, image sprites and caching engine.

Improved usability
We have not only copied some windows app features online, we have improved the usability of the process.
Now the application could be easily used by both – experienced users and beginners.

- New design
- User friendly
interface - Easy to use
- Online version
How did we do this?
Technologies we used:
- Front-End technologies – Backbone.js, Require.js and Underscore.js
- Back-End technologies – PHP, Laravel, PayPal SDK, JWT authorisation
and synchronization with Windows applications

Windows App Integration
The hardest part of the process was integration. We have integrated application with an old windows software with complex artitechture, created API for authorisation, file exange process, invoice synchronisation process. Now the invoice created in the online version would appear in your offline software.

Our team has developed a set of UI/UX elements that are necessary for work with the application.

- American Express
- Visa
- Visa Electron (UKE)
Payment process:
As per client request, we have also integrated PayPal Payflow Gateway for online payments.
All payment information provided by customer is secured and encrypted.

Contact Us
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