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NO!SPEC.. good or bad?

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#1 entz


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Posted 05 December 2007 - 03:00 PM

By now i assume most of your guys already know about NO!SPEC. And everybody has their own opinion about it. Some say it's unethical and damaging the design industry. Others say it's good and love it. How about you? What's your opinion on this issue?

ps: if you don't know what NO!SPEC is, then here's a link: http://www.no-spec.com/

#2 rinaldidesigns


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Posted 05 December 2007 - 03:38 PM

emm..I think we all no what spec work is..
my opinion is this, it is ones one choice:)

#3 Chung Dha

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Posted 05 December 2007 - 04:36 PM

It depend on how it is treated.

If I was applying for a job offer to work for a firm and they want me to develop a project so they can see how I work. And use it to compare with other people who are also applying in a way of a contest. And the project is very big and takes allot of time, research and money.

And they don't give me a budget to work with, then I would not do the project.

When they do give a budget to work with then I would make it.

Only problem with these kind of job offer is in the mean time you could have found an other job somewhere else during the project. But mostly these kind of job offers are done by big firms that want the absolute best. If you come across these kind of job offer for a very small beginning firm, I would go somewhere else or just say look at my portfolio.

If you do a contest like here you know it is a contest and the project here aren't that enormous that you would make allot of loss. Contest here is more like a hobby making design in the free time to see how good I am and to learn to improve. And bonus is winning prizes.

It mostly depends more on the situation to say which is good or bad. Mostly depending on the size of the work you need to make for SPEC. And if you get paid during the speculation work or not.

#4 entz


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Posted 08 December 2007 - 03:40 PM

I agree with everything. But is it really hurting our industry? the design industry.. I magine now that you are planning on opening a your own design agency, how would you feel? Even doing freelance.. it hurts.

Chung Dha, i agree with the hobby thing. But let say if you did a logo like the nike story.. wouldn't you feel bad about it? :) you create something for $100, and in the next few years, this brand is worth millions.

Everybody is free to choose, but is it the right choice?

#5 Chung Dha

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Posted 08 December 2007 - 06:33 PM

You never know what happens with the companies so it don't really do much with the designers. You can make a logo for most top for 1000 dollar but in couple of month they could be bankrupt. It pretty much the same.

As if you make a logo for a beginning company for 100 dollar and few month later there earning milions.

Cause they wont make more money just because of only a logo. Most about different marketing strategies and advertisement. Logo is just to make the costumers to recognize the brand better and faster and also show more professionalism so the costumers trust there good. But still need advertisement for people to know or get to see the logo.

One thing is if it happens you have right to put the logo in your portfolio. And more clients will come to you because you made a logo for a big company.

#6 _Redrum


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Posted 09 December 2007 - 09:14 PM

That website is extremely biased towards one, very narrow viewpoint. I've read lots of anti-spec articles, and they all repeat the same rhetorical arguments over and over again. A lot of those arguments have terrible analytical errors that the writer simply ignores in order to get to the place he/she wants to end up at. This happens because all they see is that one viewpoint that they hold. As they write, they don't take the time to question whether what they are claiming is actually true or whether it relates appropriately to the issue at hand.

As a person who knows a thing or two about formal proofs and logical arguments, I can tell you that most of those articles are just ad hoc opinions of some ticked off designers, nothing more. To that end, I don't think that anyone should be pro-spec-work or anti-spec-work in a general sense. It's such a broad subject that, to have a fully formed opinion about it, you would need to consider all its facets separately.

#7 JNT86


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Posted 02 July 2008 - 07:55 PM

well i don't see any need for anyone to fight spec work anyway. if a company can get a good logo through a contest, then they have every right to do so and no one should say anything about it.

my feeling is they can't. who chooses the winning logo? a fat marketing executive? the strength of a designer is knowing what looks good. if there is no designer involved in the selection process they will get a crappy logo anyway.

my feeling is that there are designers at the company deciding which logo wins. most of the people who participate in these contests are students and other people who need to build their portfolio anyway. in this way it fuses the fresh ideas of students with the wisdom and insights of experienced designers.

anyway, bottom line is, its a free country, no one has any right to try to keep others from holding contests. if you feel it's not in your advantage to participate in a contest, then don't. if contests are truly "bad for designers" then nobody will want to participate. and if you feel that your high paid job is being threatened by some kid in his basement working for a chance at 100 dollars, then maybe you don't deserve the position you are in.

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