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#1 wirewool


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Posted 04 June 2004 - 08:07 PM

been workin on new site with friend,
still got loads to do but thought see what ppl think of it so far-
where going right and where going wrong-

#2 belladonna



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Posted 04 June 2004 - 09:02 PM

Hi wirewool!, here is some feedback. Hope it helps:

what I like:
- the colors combinations you are using
- the cool simple flash effects =)
- the way you work with lines and the misc objects you are using (arrows, shapes, etc)

what I don´t like:
- that wrinkled paper behind effect makes it very difficult to read (maybe try to make it more sublte?)
- The way everything is displayed, like thrown over the white space.
I think if you appy the style you are looking for to an organized layout you can get a cool and new style site... but you need to have some order, specially since this page is going to be for a forum community, they will get a little lost. Im not saying to put all between tables... the idea of no visual restrictions sound good to me, but if that is what you are looking for you should get rid of the boxes also and find another way to blend the links into the layout.

Take care
Julieta Garcia .:view my work:.
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#3 wirewool


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Posted 04 June 2004 - 10:20 PM

ty belladonna, good critique.
just thrown everything together at mo, as just beta testin,
but do agree everything could be intergrated together more, no flow between everything as yet
did try the "paper" on a wooden desktop, but as seen before didnt want to repeat.
maybe just hav the current gallery img and add scroller to it and just hav calender next to it,
will try that next

#4 wirewool


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Posted 07 June 2004 - 05:23 PM

just updated the site,

#5 Logistikal


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Posted 07 June 2004 - 08:18 PM

-The load effect is cool and all...but it's obnoxious, I didn't know what was going on. Maybe try something simpler like just a loading bar, or add a percentage done somewhere. That would help alot.

-Verticalize the arrows, as it could cause confusion in scrolling. I would have thought that the arrow pointing northeast would have cause it to scroll up, but it does the opposite.

-Eliminate the empty top space and empty bottom space in the news column. It causes people to waste time with pointless scrolling.

-The calendar feature is really cool, I love it. But would it be possible to have sloppy red circles instead of those squares? You know what I mean? I think that would look cool.

-Center the layout and throw a light grey pixel pattern background behind everything. It will make it seem like the whole thing really comes together.

Other than that, nicely done. I love the look of the site.
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#6 wirewool


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Posted 07 June 2004 - 10:57 PM

cheers logistikal,
see what u mean with the preloader, think maybe change to precentage bar or may try making the current effect smaller and change effect on each section as looks bit messy otherwise.
the arrow pointing up does scroll up?!?!? -newest to old, hav i got that wrong?
maybe circles would look better on calender,(squares do look a little...square!) i will try that
tryed centring it but as 3 separate movies not single flash movie causing layout problems when someone with 800x600 res comes to it
i was planning on changing background colour and think ur spot on with ur suggestion.
as this first full site ive created im still finding my feet,
thank-you for helping me do so

#7 Logistikal


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Posted 08 June 2004 - 03:23 AM

For me, when you hover your mouse over the arrow pointing up, you scroll down to older news posts.

Regarding the centering: Did you try to do it in HTML? Because your layout isn't too wide for it to work. Just a simple <center> tag below the <body> tag and a </center> tag above the </body> tag should do the trick...

Oh, and no problem with the help...If this was your first site, I'm impressed. My first site was...well, heh, I'd prefer not to go there. Two words though. Geocities Pagebuilder. Keep up the good work.
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#8 wirewool


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Posted 11 June 2004 - 07:23 PM

cheers logistikal- added <centre> tag, works a treat.
also started to add stuff to the gallery section now.

been into design for awhile
but this is my first attempt at a website- and geocities not to be seen!
plan to start work on my own portfolio site next.

#9 Logistikal


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Posted 13 June 2004 - 05:57 AM

:) Good to hear. Do you know HTML? If you don't, I would highly advise learning it, it's very helpful when making websites. This is a good place to learn HTML Goodies HTML Primers.

If you want to get more advanced after that, CSS + XHTML design is cutting edge. I can't really give you on specific link that teaches you what you have to know though, it's alot of trial and error and finding things out for yourself by looking around at other websites.

Also, one more critique...For the gallery...I do belive that the buttons are on the left? :)
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#10 wirewool


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Posted 14 June 2004 - 02:26 PM

i know alittle bout flash thats about it really!

#11 psyris


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Posted 22 June 2004 - 04:22 AM

hey, yeah the site is kewl, its different which is what i like to c, the incorporated flash with the site just gives it that bit of flare. The calendar especially i found awesome.
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