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#21 Imagenesis


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Posted 07 November 2004 - 09:04 PM

I know that ewas biased...There a link...To an actuall site one sec..

Im going to delete all my posts seeya guys :)

BTW, I'm sorry if this is biased...I didn't really check...If it is Ill find my original source...I just had an in-class debate on these issues...

#22 Imagenesis


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Posted 07 November 2004 - 09:08 PM

ALright well, can you tell me what President Bush really accomplished...?

#23 vidiotscreative


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Posted 07 November 2004 - 09:11 PM

Now we (as the third world) know that if US wants our resources they won't ask for it but they will take it by force. As part of the third world I understand the rules are set by the ones that own the game. And this board my friends has a Made in USA right in the back of it.

Try to open your minds because I don't thing this is a matter of republicans and democrats but the fact that USA as a republic (not a democracy) only protects the republic with disregard of where did it's wealth come from and who suffered outsite US in the process.

Good post; but at the same time...if that were the case, we would have already attacked Argentina, right?
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#24 vidiotscreative


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Posted 07 November 2004 - 09:14 PM

ALright well, can you tell me what President Bush really accomplished...?

Do you have a few hours?

Or maybe you can take a poll of the 59.45 million people who turned out to vote for him; he must be doing something right, no?

Let me know if you honestly want me to answer your question about what he has accomplished and I will put a post together for you tonight.
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#25 Imagenesis


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Posted 07 November 2004 - 09:16 PM

THat's okay like i said i doubt u can convince me...So don't waste ur time...(no offense to you convincing skills :) )

Time to go work-out! :D

#26 will


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Posted 07 November 2004 - 09:52 PM

Vidiots, in the border of Argentina, Brazil and Bolivia are the lasts sweet water resources. Be sure that when US needs them, they will find a way to have all of it. It's a sad thing but there is nothing we can do about it until that time comes. Oh, and just one thing about a few things I ve been reading in this threat. You cannot call mistakes to the invasion of a country and the killing of inocents with "smart" bombs, you cannot call mistakes to the 2 million pakistans that died last year of hunger because of the sanctions US forced on them, you cannot call mistakes to the suffer of other people for the well being of a so called freedom of a few and another thing, do you know why USA is the land of the opportunities ? Because when you kick in the stomack all around you, the only one that stand straigh is yourself.

Oh remember that the bbc and the cnn are not exactly the right channels to find some pieces of the truth.

Wish you the best as always :D
"There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it" (EDITH WHARTON)
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#27 vidiotscreative


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Posted 07 November 2004 - 11:01 PM

I don't view CNN OR the BBC on their own; they are very liberal media sources....I compile news resources from all over the place and get my news that way.
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#28 Imagenesis


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Posted 08 November 2004 - 12:16 AM

Good'ole Republican FOX

#29 illumina



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Posted 08 November 2004 - 01:45 PM

I based my opinions on www.johnkerry.com www.georgewbush.com and www.votenader.org
there is no better source for forming an opinion on politicians than actually reading through their own words yourself.
every other source is biased one way or another.

#30 will


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Posted 08 November 2004 - 03:30 PM

You know they don't write their words, don't you ? That's not their job. They say what they are meant to say to avoid conflict with reality. "Blind faith to the voice of the government is the source of the fanatics (aka patriots)". But I am sure that the less than 50% of citizens that vote in US do the same as you. Hitler was a hell of spokesman, a charismatic leader when he started and his people followed blindly in the beginning. I suppose that in your oppinion he didn't have the ability to say "I changed my mind" either and millions died in the process. I read somewhere that "the less you trust in your government, the better citizen you are" because when you don't trust in the voice you become the heart of the nation, the only one that have the power to control the uncontrollable forces of the politics, if not you are mere sheep that is usefull as long as you paint the smile on your face and jump of joy everytime your president or prime minister say "we are patriots, dead to the non-believers".

"You are allow to dream because your dreams are not beyond the boundaries of the cage of your society", but what is a dream that stands always under the foot of the others but a deceive to yourself, a dangerous deceive that let others control you by the words they whisper in your ears and the images they let you see... fragments of a world that is burned by their actions and inactions everyday.

I suggest you to read more of history, both of US and England to see the truth that lies behind them. Every nation have their way to do crapt, in mine it was the dictators in the past, the stupid patriots that couldn't see that an island we never cared was now important because it had resources and our politicians said "WAR" and send young boys to die for an idiotic 'cause in vain. I tell you that my country has learned from that mistake at a high price and will not commit the same mistake again (at least we won't let them), but can you say the same about yours.

Peace to all of you :D
"There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it" (EDITH WHARTON)
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#31 illumina



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Posted 08 November 2004 - 03:47 PM

Hitler is different. I've heard a lot of democrats compare bush to hitler, which is baloney in my opinion.

Bush cannot change his mind because there is not enough police and military personnel to stop the every day looting, fighting and killing going on there. If he just changes his mind he will leave Iraq in ruins, with people who love beheading others running around calling the shots, because the way it currently is, there is no way the police and military could effectively take over the country.

A government may be evil, but it is necessary, without it there would be anarchy, chaos.

I don't just believe everything I read on politics either, if I did believe blindly, I'd be singing John Kerry's praises and mourning his defeat in the election.

Nader may not be liked because he doesnt have money/changed parties, but his plans were the most realistic and had the best chance of working out, in my opinion. Realistic, key word. It's all fine and well voting for a president who promises a fantasy world where economy goes through the roof and theres free gold on the streets, but I like my realism, and thats how I vote, or at least, it would be if I was naturalized.

#32 will


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Posted 08 November 2004 - 04:13 PM

I am sorry but since I am not a US citizen really I am not a follower of any of your presidents. I am simply impling that what's being done by the nation that might turn into Germany 1941 tomorrow or the next day is not right.

"A government may be evil, but it is necessary, without it there would be anarchy, chaos".

I just will try to avoid any comments on that phrase. You have no idea what it is a dictatorship and luckily neither do I, but my parents did and even when my father was in the army they were afraid because you would never know when a finger is pointed at you for termination without a cause without laws. Bush Patrioct act has left you in the same conditions. Now if somebody with power pointes a finger at you in US, the agents that come for you doesn't have to identify themselves, for example, neither to explain why o where they are taking you. I know you don't have an olive skin but think of those that have it. Now for any excuse if there is the need of a scape goat they have plenty to choose from. Now they only have to place on their big screens the face of anybody looking like an arab to give them the excuse to go for another country.

The best way to wake up to reality is by realizing that around you (All Around You) there are feeling creatures (both human and non human) that have the right to exist not to provide you with comfort but to be free. If you consider that by planting fake government in the countries your government decide is the best way to avoid chaos think again because in Irak the count is still going up. And another thing, plz. remember that Sadamm was also planted there by the US. In fact GB father did it the same way now another one is planted.

I read somewhere that in order to maintain a government free of the real critics (health, economy, the welfare of the citizens and the good relationship with the world) a crisis have to be made up. This way the sleepwalkers would say "Yeah let's go to war" and the rest wouldn't have a voice because in a place where only sleepwalkers have the money there is no opposition to the rules.

"There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it" (EDITH WHARTON)
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#33 illumina



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Posted 08 November 2004 - 04:44 PM

I'm not a US citizen either. If I was there would have been one more vote for Nader, perhaps more, as I'd have volunteered for him. A government is necessary, people can dislike it all they want but the fact remains that people in a large group become stupid, and society would crumble without it. Saddam was a dictator and a terrorist, so why is it bad that he has been beaten and is no longer in power, yet its bad bush is in power?

I am awake to reality, and feel insulted by your comments implying otherwise. I work to provide my own comforts, my husband works to provide our comforts, I have never and will never ask for a free ride, anything I want in life, if I don't work for it, I don't get it. The government in Iraq is an interim government, it's not permanent, it's there to keep the laws until the people of Iraq vote for who they want, not who GB puts in. And I will continue to have faith in that until the day Iraq becomes self sufficient and if the interim government is still in power, then, and only then, will I agree that it is wrong how Bush has rebuilt the country.

I live, breathe, eat, sleep and dream in "the land of the free". I know how it is. I have struggled just like everyone else on this planet does. One thing I have learned that has had the deepest impact on me is the miseducation of America to other people in other countries. Poor communication, a media that is too free to express "opinion" and lacks solid fact, and the fact that people are way too quick to form hate and distrust based on the poor communication and lack of facts have put America on a lot of peoples hate lists. I myself did not like America much before I came here. When I got here, I got a reality check, like someone sat me up and slapped my face really hard. I'm proud to be living here now, I miss England, because thats what made me who I am, it has some things America does not, and my family is there, but after a year of being here, I consider America my home, the graciousness of the people here, and the way they have accepted me, have been wonderfully refreshing, most of the people are wonderful people, despite what your local media tells you, or the impression the US government gives you.

#34 will


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Posted 08 November 2004 - 05:29 PM

Ilumina, quite an interesting nick. Enlightment it means :D

Plz. don't think for a moment than in my intention I want to change you or anybody in the world. Words are simply to communicate an idea. Politics. It seemed all of us here needed to express ourselves in the way we liked more. I prefer poetry :D As long as you express yourself with no fanatism in your voice you will be alright.

I have nothing more to say but to wish you the best in every endeavour you pursue.

Take care,
"There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it" (EDITH WHARTON)
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#35 vidiotscreative


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Posted 09 November 2004 - 01:05 PM

Good'ole Republican FOX


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#36 vidiotscreative


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Posted 09 November 2004 - 01:08 PM

You know they don't write their words, don't you ? That's not their job. They say what they are meant to say to avoid conflict with reality.

That's actually not true.

There have been a few recent Presidents who have had a role in or actually wrote almost all of their speeches at times. I know Reagan used to have a hand in most of that, and I believe Clinton did as well. Both men were passionate individuals who when simply reading the words of other people, felt they couldn't truly convey their truest feelings of emotion behind someone elses words.
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#37 will


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Posted 09 November 2004 - 01:12 PM

Vidiot, If that belief makes you feel better about it all, then go on with it. After all we have to believe in something, don't we ? :D
"There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it" (EDITH WHARTON)
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#38 vidiotscreative


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Posted 09 November 2004 - 01:14 PM

I am sorry but since I am not a US citizen really I am not a follower of any of your presidents. I am simply impling that what's being done by the nation that might turn into Germany 1941 tomorrow or the next day is not right.

Please back that remark up; that is borderline ignorance being displayed right there. You realize that outside of Stalin, Hitler commited one of the largest forms of Genocide in the history of the world?

There is a big difference. We would not be in Iraq, or had gone to Afghanistan if we did not perceive them as threats to our national security or security of our people abroad. Our entire foreign policy (which was created under Bill Clinton) has transformed dramatically over the past 12 years...and will continue to adapt as it is necessary...if we don't, the US would end up being a third world country as well, and you know what would happen if that occurred? Without the superpowers of the world (US, China...etc), if one fell, the world economy as a whole would send entire countries into complete ruin...much more than what is happening right now; in addition, the US is the worlds largest provider of aid to countries throughout the world....I don't recall Hitler ever doing that.
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#39 vidiotscreative


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Posted 09 November 2004 - 01:15 PM

Vidiot, If that belief makes you feel better about it all, then go on with it. After all we have to believe in something, don't we ? :D

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#40 will


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Posted 09 November 2004 - 01:21 PM

"There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it" (EDITH WHARTON)
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