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#1 Chung Dha

Chung Dha


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Posted 18 July 2008 - 10:30 PM

Hey does anyone know a great hosting provider. I want to make an official website for myself but really bothering with prices and difference of host. I want to have an American host cause mostly those sites are fast.

Cause when I try to acces a chinese site they often are very slow even though there are not allot of things on that site, but most american site I can acces fast and I doubt it would be slow from anywhere else of the world to acces them.

I not so keen on the dutch or british host, especially the british ones cause I found that sometimes the some days you can't acces any website from britain cause somewhere the acces it blocked. And I am not sure if the dutch providers are any good in providing a good host cause mostly their own webdesign are kinda crappy looking and looks bit to unreliable.

So anyone know a good host, just say it here. And thanks in advance for the tip of the host.

#2 _Redrum


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Posted 19 July 2008 - 04:35 AM

I think this would be more appropriated here in the Hangout.

GoDaddy is pretty good I hear. Not very expensive either. What is it that's bothering you about them by the way?

#3 Chung Dha

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Posted 19 July 2008 - 11:36 AM

Just the unknown. And really allot of crappy looking hosting sites not sure if they are reliable. And allot of price variations. Always want the lowest cost plus best and easiest service.

#4 takethetrain


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Posted 19 July 2008 - 01:43 PM

I've been with Dreamhost for a few years now and I'm pretty happy with them. They have problems periodically like any other host does, but the good thing is, they are very transparent--every time a server has issues, they post online about it to let everyone know.

Also, if you do decide to sign up with them, their members are able to give you a promo code for a discounted sign up price, so be sure to ask around before signing up. (Like I said, I'm one of those members, so feel free to PM me.)

#5 deleted member

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Posted 20 August 2008 - 01:26 AM

brinkster.com has worked well for me so far...

#6 Mauer


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Posted 11 September 2008 - 06:51 PM

I also use Dreamhost and used Godaddy for my domain. I haven't had any problems with either. A bunch of us at school bought a large plan and split the cost, combined with all the coupons out for Dreamhost (DreamHost Coupons & Coupon Codes. Get The Maximum DreamHost Discount Here) you can get pretty cheap plans.

#7 magaly


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Posted 15 September 2008 - 04:33 PM

I use inmotion hosting for all my sites including my online portfolio. They're very reliable and their plans are reasonably priced. I have their service because I am building a site which will eventually need to expand its servers and they make it the easiest for me.
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#8 artpaper


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Posted 18 September 2008 - 02:24 AM

Try Lunarpages.com :)
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#9 Mardel


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Posted 18 September 2008 - 03:33 AM

inmotionhosting.com is the number one on a top ten I saw today. The details they were considering was how expensive they are and their speed.

#10 slbergh


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Posted 02 December 2008 - 08:03 AM

I've been recommending 2mhost.com for all of my consulting clients. Very inexpensive and very easy to set up and maintain. I haven't had any problems with them in the 3 years I've managed client sites with them.

#11 sharie



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Posted 28 August 2009 - 01:39 PM

I use homestead.com for my domain and website. You pretty much pay for what you want want and need. I am not a webdesigner is the main reason for going with homestead. It is ok but I can't use the website builder they have, I have windows vista and the program doesn't seem to like that so I have to use the web page designs they have. The webpage designer is I guess pretty good don't know..the proble is virtual machine, windows vista seems to not get along with the homesteads need of sun javas virtual machine.

For someone not knowing how to build/design webpages this is a good place little to no down time . My domain transfered over to them with ease and almost zero down/wait time.


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#12 gdeetan



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Posted 22 September 2009 - 02:50 AM

godaddy is good for your basic needs, but if you need programming support such as php and the likes (LINUX based), apthost is pretty good, after sales service is decent and uptime is pretty good as well, being a client for over a year now, so far so good.

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