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Do I have to post to submit entries?

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#1 TenaciousB



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Posted 04 February 2009 - 03:38 PM


Do I have to post to submit entries?

thought i read yesterday you have to post like 10 times in these forums to be able to submit entries…

if so, please ignore the next 9 of my posts as they will likely be incoherent drivel with the intent of activating my account.

also, what is the moderators official stance on incoherent drivel?



#2 illumina



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Posted 04 February 2009 - 05:58 PM

You must have 10 posts to be able to apply for the design team. If the posts are incoherent drivel you're not likely to be accepted when you do apply. When you do apply the posts you make are a factor because they let the moderators know if you genuinely want to be a part of the community, and they give an indication of how well you communicate with others.
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#3 TenaciousB



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Posted 04 February 2009 - 07:20 PM

Man, that's alot of posts in here just taking up space don't you think. No wonder you can get lost in these forums. I mean, is this a sewing circle or a design contest.

Besides, some people are better listeners (readers) than speakers (writers).

Furthermore, I'm competitive, (as in contest ). I'd rather stare down my competition than engage them in fluffy conversation.

And another thing, from what I've seen so far, your clients are interested more in how something is communicated visually… not verbally.

Drivel counter:
Currently #2 of 10

#4 jecrt


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Posted 04 February 2009 - 09:05 PM

Drivel counter:
Currently #2 of 10

not really the attitude they're going for here, but the "drivel counter" is pretty funny...

#5 TenaciousB



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Posted 04 February 2009 - 10:02 PM

Who cares what "They're going for here"

What best serves the client: Better artists.

Me, I'm a reclusive, surly alcoholic.

Just like all great artists.

Drivel Counter:
#3 of 10

#6 jecrt


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Posted 04 February 2009 - 10:11 PM

As for "who cares" I'd say that the moderators and creator of the site care - thus, the policy.

They want a cohesive group of people to help create/contribute to an on-line community AS WELL as be able to meet client needs. Not just a bunch of bastards that check in every once in a while to make some money.

if you're just looking to compete - go to a competition site. Just sayin...

#7 _Redrum


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Posted 05 February 2009 - 02:39 AM

And the Nail on the Head Award goes to...

Not just a bunch of bastards that check in every once in a while to make some money.

Not to insult anyone in particular, but that's basically it.

For you see, TenaciousB... (little rhyme there :)) while you're correct in saying that we should strive to best serve the client, your opinion that screening members in this way will not be in the best interest of those clients is ultimately incorrect. We have seen this to be the case through trial and error, and now believe this to be one of our strongest and most effective policies.

Edited by _Redrum, 05 February 2009 - 02:42 AM.



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Posted 05 February 2009 - 02:46 AM

I guess if it takes a little drivel to make your way, it is just like the rest of the real world. Although sometimes you do encounter situations where drivel is irrelevant and totally useless.

In the end, if it is policy, then it is policy. For those who don't like the policy, I guess there are other design sites looking for members...

#9 jtwant


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Posted 10 February 2009 - 03:20 PM

Shrewdness may be a common characteristic of introverted creatives, but couth is a valuable commodity for those of us who deal with clients. Regardless of whether you are communicating on the fancy pantsy inter-web or interpersonally, people are more comfortable with a charitable demeanor. How many times have you told your friends not to visit a certain restaurant because the service sucked so bad? Sure, the food is good, but you can get good food (or in this case, design) a million other places.

That being said, I do understand your thoughts. The client does want quality work. To a certain extent, you're even right about commentaries often being drivel-esque. But, consider this: you make the comment that no one should give a flip about "what they're going for here", our workplace valules, but you seem to be rather convinced that the rest of us should go along with your values, derisive competition. We believe better work comes from cooperation and constructive criticism. It's also emmensely helpful to see other creatives at work; a little thing called inspiration.

Instead of thinking about how much you don't like the forum requirements, think about how a new perspective might make you a better artist. After all, isn't that what you're here for?

#10 PHNIN2


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Posted 10 February 2009 - 09:13 PM

I appreciate your response and do think you have been pretty accurate regarding the matter, but I think you've misinterepreted the demeanor of my comments and have taken some offense to what I have said. To correctly state things, I did not make a comment about "not giving a flip" so please re-read the thread.

#11 jtwant


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Posted 10 February 2009 - 09:31 PM

PHNIN2: My previous comment was directed at Tenacious B

Originally posted by TenaciousB
Who cares what "They're going for here"

#12 rinaldidesigns


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Posted 10 February 2009 - 11:41 PM

Hi...just wanted to share thought on.......the more post you make(10 post rule) lets moderators she how you interact, if it reflects positivity...how you will ultimately interact with clients;)

#13 rinaldidesigns


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Posted 10 February 2009 - 11:51 PM

Man, that's alot of posts in here just taking up space don't you think. No wonder you can get lost in these forums. I mean, is this a sewing circle or a design contest.

Hi, the 10 post rules......sometimes you need to step back and look at the BIGGER picture.....the 10 post rule lets moderator see how you interact within the community, and HOW you will interact with clients (some of your post I don't think will count;))

I mean, is this a sewing circle or a design contest.

interaction BUILDS community.

Me, I'm a reclusive, surly alcoholic.
Just like all great artists.

so, SO, untrue...and very negative.

working here, as well the application should be treated just like a job interview, put your best forward;)


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Posted 11 February 2009 - 02:32 PM

I think the guy is too ashamed of himself now :) He didn't give much thinking to the question before starting this thread. I doubt he will ever be back to answer your posts.

#15 TenaciousB



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Posted 11 February 2009 - 03:48 PM

I didn't mean to offend anyone, but i tend to be fly on the wall at parties is all.

If I'm irreverant, then consider my stance as that of the Devi'l Advocate. A tool often used in the art of debate to stir up ideas (or in this case to fill up ten posts)

Ashamed of myself you say, hmmm. Didn't do much thinking you say?

Au contraire.

An introvert, such as myself, always thinks before they speak. An extrovert speaks while they think. Who do you think more often ends up with their foot in their mouth.

That said, thanks for all the replies. Constructive criticism, collaboration, it's all good. I do it everyday. I wear a shirt and tie, meet with clients, share with my design partners… when that is the task at hand. Right now, my task at hand is to gain membership. Myopic, yes. But perhaps the moderators will find my attitude refreshing. Think "Office Space"

You see, now we're talkin'

Drivel Counter:
4 of 10, i think, although it's getting awful philosophical for drivel.

"ashamed of myself" ...pffff

#16 TenaciousB



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Posted 11 February 2009 - 03:52 PM

...Oooooh, i missed that part.

Calling me a bastard, then adding a smiley face.

In therapy, they called that passive aggressive. NOT a good communication, debate or collaboration technique

Talk amongst yourselves

Drivel counter:
5 of 10


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Posted 11 February 2009 - 06:45 PM

I am actually glad you've started this thread. It shows exactly why we have that 10 posts rule. Imagine if we didn't have it, we wouldn't get a chance to get to know you.

#18 TenaciousB



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Posted 11 February 2009 - 09:28 PM

I am actually glad you've started this thread. It shows exactly why we have that 10 posts rule. Imagine if we didn't have it, we wouldn't get a chance to get to know you.

Nice Flip Flop.

…kiddin', kinda. I guess It's true. Now you all know I can be an argumentative little cuss. Meanwhile, another deadline expires, sigh.

Okay, I'll try to be more community friendly here.

But I'm still going to remain on thread topic. I'll pose this question:

With only 4 posts (of the ruthlessly obligatory and mandatory 10) left, what are the odds that I may redeem myself?

Who here dares me to continue my quest to endear myself to the omnipotent moderators and garner acceptance from this elitist fraternity you call designcontest.com?

What say ye!?! Throw down the gauntlet you cowards!

oops, that wasn't friendly at all, was it? …doh

6 of 10


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Posted 11 February 2009 - 10:07 PM

This is enough.

#20 _Redrum


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Posted 12 February 2009 - 05:39 AM

I hope this wasn't directed at me. But if it was...

...Oooooh, i missed that part.

Calling me a bastard, then adding a smiley face.

In therapy, they called that passive aggressive. NOT a good communication, debate or collaboration technique

I'm curious as to what they call it when someone is quick to interpret something in a negative way. Perhaps your mind was already set on receiving a bad comment, and so you got one. Or is it possible that you are quick to judge things in general - like the effectiveness of our rules for example, or us?

The rhyme was between "see" and "B".

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