Jesse here...a fellow design contest participant. I really enjoy this website and have had the pleasure of producing a few winning designs in the past. I am writing to ask the help of you fellow designers. My wife and I have been hit with a hard year of bad luck.
Like many others due to the tough and failing US economy our American Dream slipped right through our fingers. The company I work for downsized, my wife was laid off, our home loan was immediately revoked. And our first family vacation…would have to wait.
I came to realize that the American Dream has become a work-and-spend treadmill that depletes savings and clutters lives. I want to take a step back and revive the spirit of the traditional dream where quality of life includes not just material wealth but also non-material values, relationships, experiences, leisure and fun; nothing encompasses that more than a family vacation.
Please help me and my family out we are trying to WIN a family vacation. But we need the help of everyone we can. I ask for my fellow designer friends to please help. It's so easy, just follow these steps:
1. Go to this website. A New Dream | HomeAway Blog
2. Click the red "Vote For Me" button
3. The button should change to read "You Voted!"
4. That's it!
Thank you all!

Edited by jesse101, 31 July 2009 - 04:00 AM.