My primary units for design are the XP's, they seem to render faster & are all around easier to work on during production. My Vista's are used for Data entry & Accounting mostly, mundane tasks. Ok, so here's a break down of what the 10 PC's are used for:
x1 Vista - Data Entry
x1 Vista - Accounting
x2 XP - Vector design (Logo / illustration / mascot / Caricature)
x1 Xp - development (WAMP Server for Php/mysql testing & integrations)
x2 Xp - Rendering (Load balancing for large rendering projects)
x1 Xp - Audio/Visual (Movie & sound files for entertainment)
x1 Xp - SecondLife (Dedicated to the SecondLife virtual world)
x1 Xp - Public relations (Dedicated to marketing / Advertising research & campaigns)
That about covers it besides my external drives & other detachable equipment. as you can see, I'm an Avid PC user, so a Mac just isn't practical for me.