Favorite logo (s)
Posted 07 November 2009 - 06:41 AM
After doing this logo search I started asking myself why do I like this one, why that one. We see in the forums quite often what logos are disliked (new animal planet logo). I thought I would list a few logos that I like and toss in a couple reasons why I like the logo.
Another thing I realized is the many different uses and styles. From text style, symbolic, classic, 80's, 90s, and so on. Then you can get real deep into the history and see how illustrative logos, brands, labels ect.. used to be. Living in Washington State, I see the history of fruit warehouse logos, crate labels and such and that doesn't even touch the wine logos/labels.
In the image I have several logos I have liked, some new or newer some older.
Fedex- I have always liked this logo. It is bold, recognizable, simpleand still fresh looking. The hidden arrow has always been intriguing to me wonder if the designer did the arrow on purpose or just one of those that happens, just might have to look up if the designer did it on purpose.
apple-Apple has had a couple of logos but this one with the different colors is the one I like. I love the bite out of the apple, symbolic and you what it iswhen you see it, no logo mind reading needed for this one.
A new logo for a product called Latisse, great use of simple tezt with a symbol in an almost abstract way. This logo catches my eye everytime I see it on tv comercial. There is a simple elegance to it
mtv- The logo says it all but did the logo come before the tv show ? just kidding : )
I don't know in other countries but the big orange union 76 ball was all over the place here in washington when I was a kid. How many action movies have you seen the 76 ball, shoot it was even on one the jurasic park movies. I think the 76 ball and a car model (gremlin) has been in more movies than Elvis. Any way I like the bold simple look of the 76 logo, just a nice use of text styled logo.
I'm always trying to learn and when I see something I like I ask myself why what is it I like, sometimes I can't answer the question but I'm still learning.
What logos do you all like and why what grabs you about a certain logo. There are a couple more on the image I didn't talk about
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Posted 11 November 2009 - 04:38 PM
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Posted 12 November 2009 - 09:09 PM

Dreamworks - coz, it has that feel of inspirational fantasy! - LOL! (that was a madeup word again!)
Walt Disney - coz, whoever made that logo, was smart enough to simplify the complexity of a castle into a logo! but at the same time straight forward and clear! (even when printed in smaller sizes!)
WB - hmmm ... i think i like the simplicity, but at the same time, it has a striking boldness into it!

the best is yet to come ~
Posted 12 November 2009 - 10:27 PM
Apple had an illustrative logo. My opinion it was just ick but it most likely fit in that time, The apple they use now is way more fitting.
Here in Washington back in the 50 and 60's the apple warehouses had extremely illustrated labels and logos. They have changed now but if you had some of those original labels they are worth a bunch of money now.
Oh and look at the United States FBI logo or any of the government logos some of those are extremely illustrative but in a simple way..hhmm was that an oxymoron?
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Posted 13 November 2009 - 12:08 AM

Of course The chevy logo is nice as well and has an interesting story behind it. Click on the bowtie to read an artical. Not the one I read specifically (about the wall paper) but a good read.

I also like the Monster Energy logo.

I've also always liked the ZZ top logo.

Edited by Coy, 13 November 2009 - 12:14 AM.
Posted 13 November 2009 - 12:28 AM
Gotta love a Sharp Dressed Man!
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Posted 13 November 2009 - 12:34 AM
I love the Dodge Ram and so versatile, to print to being sculpted in metal. We had our ram stolen from the hood so many times, I got tired of buying a new one. The chevy bowtie, I never looked at the bowtie as two sideways "T". The monster logo is very creative, that logo is lifted and copied kinda like the pee on guy. I know the original creator of the pee on guy, he has told me how much he learned from the pee on guy.
Gotta love a Sharp Dressed Man!
Let me guess the Pee on guy learned how to get paid better

I've never cared about a sharp dressed man, but give me some legs and mmmm mmm LMAO
Posted 13 November 2009 - 03:16 AM

Comments on each one:
1.- I like the use of this iconic flag-based logo as a nation identity logo. And I love primary colors used in the flag.
2.- I like the combination of lines and curves in this interesting well weight-balanced logo.
3.- I got shocked by the symbolism and well-stylized representation of the Jesus chirst crown of thorns. wow! just nice! liked it at the very first glance.
4.- In this one, I like the way the "A" looks like it's wearing a scarf flying with the wind. And again primary colors look pretty nice to me.
5.- I like the simplicity and the accuracy in the use of the gestalt effect in this one. Really well achieved.
6.- In this one, it is really nice the way the stars -wich are very acute vertices shapes- turn into a smooth curved shape, a circle (flat sphere). Nice! Also well gotten the gestalt effect.
7.-In this one I really like the movement, the dynamism of the lines. Just nice!
8.- This one is a very well achieved symbolic, sinthesized yet truely well recognizable (datailed) figure and concept! Strength, power, magnificence, courage, ellegance, style! ... I really like this one.
9.- This is a minimalistic one ... a funny one, this just makes me want to make a X-jump! Nice continuity contour like the infinity symbol ... really takes a smile from me. And the random-like ink drop apparience is also very nice.
10.- I just like this one. Typo is just quite clean and ellegant and so is the logo icon.
11.- I fell in love with this logo at the very first glance! It just initiated a new era in the media logo design!
12.- Just WOW! ... got it? W-o-W!

13.- This one is a design of mine! My company logo! I really like it, of course.
14.- Apple logo! Ehm ... what can I say ..? ... Apple has made an accurate refreshing of its logo, keeping the very original shape wich represents the brand .. with a very nice new look in the style of "2.0"!
Well, I hope I had been understandable ... in the sense of the use of english ... excuse me for the mistakes I could make.
This topic has been a very nice idea Sharie,
Best regards!
Julio J.
Edited by jjyepez, 13 November 2009 - 03:24 AM.
Posted 13 November 2009 - 02:48 PM
Life is a flower of which glitter graphics is the honey.
Edited by olla86, 19 November 2009 - 02:24 PM.
Posted 18 November 2009 - 08:10 PM
Comments on each one:
1.- I like the use of this iconic flag-based logo as a nation identity logo. And I love primary colors used in the flag.
2.- I like the combination of lines and curves in this interesting well weight-balanced logo.
3.- I got shocked by the symbolism and well-stylized representation of the Jesus chirst crown of thorns. wow! just nice! liked it at the very first glance.
4.- In this one, I like the way the "A" looks like it's wearing a scarf flying with the wind. And again primary colors look pretty nice to me.
5.- I like the simplicity and the accuracy in the use of the gestalt effect in this one. Really well achieved.
6.- In this one, it is really nice the way the stars -wich are very acute vertices shapes- turn into a smooth curved shape, a circle (flat sphere). Nice! Also well gotten the gestalt effect.
7.-In this one I really like the movement, the dynamism of the lines. Just nice!
8.- This one is a very well achieved symbolic, sinthesized yet truely well recognizable (datailed) figure and concept! Strength, power, magnificence, courage, ellegance, style! ... I really like this one.
9.- This is a minimalistic one ... a funny one, this just makes me want to make a X-jump! Nice continuity contour like the infinity symbol ... really takes a smile from me. And the random-like ink drop apparience is also very nice.
10.- I just like this one. Typo is just quite clean and ellegant and so is the logo icon.
11.- I fell in love with this logo at the very first glance! It just initiated a new era in the media logo design!
12.- Just WOW! ... got it? W-o-W!.. very nice! I like it!
13.- This one is a design of mine! My company logo! I really like it, of course.
14.- Apple logo! Ehm ... what can I say ..? ... Apple has made an accurate refreshing of its logo, keeping the very original shape wich represents the brand .. with a very nice new look in the style of "2.0"!
Well, I hope I had been understandable ... in the sense of the use of english ... excuse me for the mistakes I could make.
This topic has been a very nice idea Sharie,
Best regards!
Julio J.
Posted 18 November 2009 - 08:29 PM
Bravo for 13. Nice shape and perspective. It's "Xn" right?
Thanks for the compliments Waqqas,
It's an illusion of X (btw: I love this looks like an X .. inspired on a liquid X-like shape), but it is a Y actually .. look closer

Thanks again,
Best regards.
Posted 20 November 2009 - 07:37 AM
Posted 20 November 2009 - 08:35 AM
I like the new ups logo as well, almost the same font and shield, to me it almost has a leather look to it. The at&t ball , I don't like the lower case lettering with it. Everybody seems to try and copy this ball also. It isn't a favorite of mine but is creative. You have to look real hard to see the lines making it 3dish
I don't want to start a political discussion here, but one of my favorite logos of the past year was the Obama campaign logo. A lot of people thought it was lame, but I really liked the way it incorporated a lot of elements - RW&B, red stripes like the flag, "O" for Obama, blue sky over rolling fields, sunrise or sunset - either way signifying "change".
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Posted 20 November 2009 - 05:39 PM
I don't want to start a political discussion here, but one of my favorite logos of the past year was the Obama campaign logo. A lot of people thought it was lame, but I really liked the way it incorporated a lot of elements - RW&B, red stripes like the flag, "O" for Obama, blue sky over rolling fields, sunrise or sunset - either way signifying "change". Maybe I am reading too much into it, but that was a heck of a lot better than a yellow sunburst.
My thoughts.. Hmmm
I really wasn't impressed with it but it worked for him. I think he spent to much time on getting his "brand" out there than actually figuring out how he was going to accomplish these "changes" he had planed.
I do have to say he had an outstanding marketing team.

Posted 22 November 2009 - 04:21 PM
It's very innovative, perfectly simple while carrying a paint-like look. I see many designers have taken inspiration from this logo, which is superb.
Another sweet one is the one from VAIO
Vote the Sony Vaio logo
I like that because it's very curvy. Also the fact it doesn't carry useless colors.
I also always wonder if FedEX logo came out on purpose, I hope so! If that wasn't, the designer must have been very lucky

Also NBC Vote the NBC logo got a wonderful logo. very colorful, simple. They are perfectly chosen. I won't say any obvious with coca cola etc, because of course the product popularity made the mark popular. Or is it the inverse? Who knows

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