Worlds finest selection of logos
World's finest selection of logos. | goodlogo!comTRY OUT THIS GREAT LOGO DESIGN WEBSITE.ENTITILED;'THE...
Posted 05 July 2010 - 11:23 AM
Logos are the way to designing the web sites.. I got my best web design formats and logos from here : Search, Register and Transfer Web Domain Names and More @ lowest costs..
Posted 06 July 2010 - 09:17 PM
Very unique logo. Thank you for sharing
Loan Modification & the Obama Foreclosure Bailout |
Loan Modification & the Obama Foreclosure Bailout |
Posted 09 August 2010 - 10:03 PM
Ahhh, Mickey Mouse is on #8, which makes me think of the 4 consecutive days I spent in Disney World. If there's one thing you learn there, is that Mickey Mouse is one of the most brilliant things ever designed, when it comes to making a graphic stick in your head. Forever. I mean, for a few months onwards, wherever I saw three circles grouped together in even a remotely similar way, I saw Mickey.
For the purpose of imprinting a logo in people's minds, I think this is the best logo ever made.
For the purpose of imprinting a logo in people's minds, I think this is the best logo ever made.
Posted 18 November 2010 - 07:23 PM
I think the Coke logo should be number 1 because its so iconic and most people in the world reconize it as Coke's logo
I agree. Although the World Wildlife Fund logo is simple and eyecatching and is a famous icon, Coca-Cola's logo is much more famous and it's almost the same since the about iconic
Posted 08 March 2011 - 11:30 AM
Best one is of Amazon.. I really Loved it Have you guys noticed what the Logo is indicating? Look at it again the curved arrow shows (A to Z).. Great mind after it.. Loved It!
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