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How to withdraw entry?

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#21 ahadian



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Posted 22 October 2011 - 05:50 AM

can you tell me step by step for withdrawl entry? admin...

#22 kolikrishno


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Posted 23 October 2011 - 06:21 PM

Thanks for all reply's.

#23 sharie



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Posted 23 October 2011 - 07:09 PM

You will be able to remove an entry 1 month after a contest has closed go to your control center What is the user control panel? - Powered by DesignContest.com

click portfolio/contest works. You will see a blue notepad icon. Click the icon, if you are able to withdraw that entry you will see a popup asking if you are sure you want to remove the entry.

If your entry has a problem and you noticed this before being eliminated or marked by a moderator then send a helpdesk ticket in and we will remove it for you

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#24 piCandy



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Posted 15 November 2011 - 11:29 PM

I see that this is a rather old thread, a year plus... however, as a newb and probably a common question, I will ask this here:

Question: I have now entered a contest with a design that I viewed properly, however, upon upload the background was changed to black. Now, by "view properly" I am including a (THE) photo fax viewer for windows. PNG looks fine; whitebackground.
Obviously not working with a black background, the image is not to my liking (therefore I am stuck with the entry for 1 month, etc. etc.)
HOWEVER, how do I solve this??? For my re-submittal? Is this somekind of Alpha business, I can see it fine in Windows...?
Should I just export for a JPG? What happens if I view the JPG correctly and the re-submittal behaves the same way?

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Posted 15 November 2011 - 11:59 PM

it is a common problem with pngs - sometimes when you upload it to the web the transparent area becomes black. Make sure next time you fill it with white or save as jpeg.

I can remove this entry for you, please, pm me with the name of the contest.

#26 piCandy



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Posted 16 November 2011 - 12:30 AM

Thanks resurepus,

a little more help, please... I don't seem to find an easy way to pm you,

#27 sharie



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Posted 16 November 2011 - 12:49 AM

Hi there

we do not have pms anymore, go ahead and post the link to the contest and I will take care of it also please read through this as it has some important info What can I NOT use on my designs? - Powered by DesignContest.com

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#28 piCandy



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Posted 16 November 2011 - 02:06 AM

Hi sharie,

Thank you for the link, I had read that and have re-read. I am confused though by possible conflicts of the instructions, or my understanding of them.

Namely, this line, "No gradient or flat backgrounds allowed unless specified by the contest holder."

and this one, "No transparent png file formats. If you upload a transparent png the background turns black, You can upload png just make sure the back ground is white".

Is the white background not a flat color? Please forgive my ignorance, and thank you for clarification. I want to follow the instructions for submittals. This really reveals how much I have to learn about vector file creation, and the raster derivatives...

The contest is Icon Design for Professional Signature Block Logo, entry #15. Thank you, I will fix the transparency issue before resubmittal.

#29 sharie



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Posted 16 November 2011 - 02:50 AM

Hi there

"No gradient or flat backgrounds allowed unless specified by the contest holder." means no other color than white for a background unless the ch requests this

White is a flat color but it is also a no pigment color and lets the contestholder see the design for what it is with no distrations of any backgrounds. The white is a standard default with jpgs but with png you have have to put a white background.

It is always best to not use a background other than white unless it says in the brief. The contestholder has an option to choose a background color when they start a contest, they also can ask specific designers to have a background or post a message to all if they want a background for the design

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#30 jennifer68


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Posted 18 November 2011 - 06:20 AM

Great forum

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#31 biyas526


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Posted 21 May 2021 - 05:07 AM

Actually there is an option to withdraw our designs. Go to settings page, then select "my designs ", there you can see your entries. Theres is a round arrow mark in bottom right of each entries to  remove the entries..  click it, and you see the magic...... :)

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