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How to Recover Ban Profile or User Account

ban copy the concept personal vector file recovery use of clip art

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#1 IndianDesigner



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Posted 27 August 2012 - 10:46 AM

Dear Friends,

I am new to Design Contest, and during understanding of terms and condition of using this, I have know about the Account Ban Policies (in case of use of clip art). But if I have the vector image, or draw a vector image similar to a clip art. Will it also invalid to use? if no then how to determine my favor.

Please if anyone has experience for same then please tell me too.

Thank you.

#2 jjyepez



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Posted 27 August 2012 - 01:38 PM

Hello IndianDesigner,

This is what DC guidlines states in regard to that matter:

All entries must be the designer’s original work. Clipart or pre-made templates are never tolerated on DesignContest.com, and the use of such graphics constitutes an immediate and permanent ban from the site. There are expections to this with certain contest types...website design/tshirt/business cards. Designers should also respect the creative merit of their peers. If a designer creates an entry that gives you a similar creative idea, please respect their entry and refrain from posting your similar idea.

source: Designer Guidelines - Powered by DesignContest.com

As you can see, it is not only a matter of copying or using stock or clipart images but being aware of not to provide designs that could suggest this type of diputes.
Also, Contests Holders expect to have their logos not similar to anyoneelse's design.

Hopefully this info is usefull to you.

Best Regards,

#3 Squewheet


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Posted 27 August 2012 - 05:29 PM

All entries must be the designer’s original work. Clipart or pre-made templates are never tolerated on DesignContest.com

I know that this part of the Rules is not totally true. Since I had problems in the past when I reported a design that clearly used clipart and in the end that designer won the contest.

#4 Babba


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Posted 30 August 2012 - 08:19 AM

So as the latest contest:
Yallingup Malibu Classic
"Unknown" authors deserves medals:

#5 R1VAN2


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Posted 19 August 2020 - 07:22 PM

To DC moderators Please don't ban my design account, I don't know if my picture includes tracing other people's logos, give me the opportunity to join the contest in the design contest, thank you.

#6 sharie



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Posted 20 August 2020 - 04:57 PM

To DC moderators Please don't ban my design account, I don't know if my picture includes tracing other people's logos, give me the opportunity to join the contest in the design contest, thank you.

What do you mean you don't know if your work has traced or others work in it?  If your infraction total reaches 90 or we find serious matters  then yes your account will be banned


how in the world do you not know if your work has others work in it???

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