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Deleting the website name in the Joomla website Header

deleting header joomla website name

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#1 DesGuru


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Posted 20 November 2012 - 04:10 PM

To delete the website name in the Joomla website header so that the name of the website would no longer be in the header, follow the bellow steps:

1. Log in to your Joomla site’s administrator panel . Go to “Site” -> “Global Configuration.” And edit the site to how you want it to display on the browser title bar. Save using the ‘display site name’ setting. The name will appear on the top of your browser window.
2.Go to “Extensions” -> “Template Manager”, select your template. And click the button “Edit HTML”.
3.Press Ctrl + F when the editable code field is displayed. A new search bar will display. Type in “sitename" to search for a matching text.
4. From the HTML code displayed under the "sitename" match that returned from the previous step, remove the bellow snippet:
?php echo $GLOBALS['mosConfig_sitename']?
5.Save your changes in your Joomla template's HTML code.
6.Open a browser window and open your Joomla website to check if the sitename was removed.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: deleting, header, joomla, website name

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