To replace the default Joomla site icon do the following:
1. Create your own favicon.ico image file. You can make a favicon.ico file using an image editor such as Photoshop or a free favicon, or you can simple scale an existing image to be 16-by-16 pixels and then save it as an .ico file.
2.Upload your new favicon icon file to your default template directory .
3.Rename the file from * .ico file to favicon.ico . You can do this with your FTP program or from within your control panel. The filename has to be in lowercase .
4. Check if the new icon is now displayed in your website. If not then do a complete refresh.
Replacing the default Joomla Site Icon
To replace the default Joomla site icon do the following:
1. Create your own favicon.ico image file....
default joomla replacing site icon
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