2005.11.30 - Logo Design
Posted 06 January 2006 - 02:47 AM

Posted 07 January 2006 - 12:26 AM
Very "Cute" concept. The tagline made me laugh. You did a nice job with the typography, and I like how you integrated the blue line underneath. The guy wearing the headphones seems a little out of place.. but still adds a nice effect.
nardex - LoudScream:
Great company name. The actually head seems a little "choppy" looking, and could use a little bit more illustration. Overall, good job.
grimsqueaker - TechnoNut:
Again, great company name, but the actual nut seems out of place. I like how the nut kind of looks like a person wearing headphones, but is still recognizeable as a nut. Kind of "nutty" looking

faerygrl8369 - UV Tech:
A nice try, but I find the log is a little bit too vertical, and the connection between the U & V doesn't seem to work. I also think the word Tech could have been positioned a little bit higher.
Stojan.Kosic - Unplugged:
Good concept. I like how the letters are cut out from the cord. The actual plug looks good itself, but could look better if it were fully illustrated/coloured in. Good treatment of the type.
Liam - powerhouse:
Another good concept. The company name is really cool, and I like the chosen symbol and its illustrative style. Without the word powerhouse below, I don't know if I would be able to tell that this was a house though -- possibly because of the way the door is positioned.
kvasaclimited - Gadget Granny:
Your entry made me laugh - something about seeing a granny in this manner. Very cool concept, but more of an illustration than a logo. I don't know how well something like this would shrink if it were to go on a business card. This would be a great piece to put in your portfolio if you eventually decided to convert the drawing to vector.
ShadesofBrian - Gadgetronix:
Good idea, but I think it needs a little more work. The plug outlet kind of looks like a smiley, which is cool. I think the stroke around the text i not necessary though.
Uniment1 - T-Rex Gadgets:
Nice idea. This is a great start, and I think if you ever have time you should finish tweaking it. I am not sure if three dinosaurs are necessary, maybe just one would be more powerful. I would also suggest playing with the type a little more.
CoolShady - Electrology:
I really like how you integrated the power symbol, as well as the idea of a circuit board. I think if the font were a little less italic looking, with a little less kerning between letters, this could be a great logo.
dudi - TopTech Gadgets:
I agree that the colours need some work. The purple doesn't quite work together with the green/brown. I like how you converted the second "T" into an electrical current.
ivancruz - funkygadgets:
These are definitely funky! I like the type choice, and the guy with the afro, but I think this would be alot stronger without a drop shadow and a little less black in the title.
ShadesofBrian #2 - Tiki God Gadgets:
Cool! I like the title. The first of these entries looks best without all the gradients. I would have liked to se some more colour in this one though.
cyrclstar - connect:
wow. This one looks great. Simplicity definitely works in this logo, and I love how you connected the "n"s and made the "t" look like curved at the end. Great colour choices as well.
cyrclstar #2 - digital:
Again, Wow! You have done a great job of creating a strong identity here. The colour choices are also great, and everything here just flows well. Great type choice.
bjrucker - Eltronic:
This one looks a little too simple. The colour choice is good, but I don't like how the letters are cut off. It seems intentional, which in type, should never happen.
Uniment1 #2 - Digital X Systems:
I like the company name, but there seems to be too much going on here. I think you could do without the blurred backgrounds.
kvasaclimited #2 - Cheap Chips:
I really like the little chip guy here, but I think the type treatment is too much. You could have gone without the inner glow on the text, and worked with the type a little more.
dtRiCk- So-Electro:
I like the 3D plug, but the "S" is very difficult to read. It doesn't quite look like an "S" at first, and instead looks like the company name is O-Electro.
With all the feedback given, I would like to announce the winner is cyrclstar with his second entry. In second place, we have Dragonfly with the electrocute logo.
Cyrclstar: Since you have already won a t-shirt, I would like to extend the offer to give you a Design Team membership and let Dragonfly have the t-shirt. The decision is yours, just let me know.
Thanks again everyone!
Posted 07 January 2006 - 01:27 AM
Posted 07 January 2006 - 12:42 PM
chips-agreed. I noticed it after I posted but deadline was already over. It is in general my problem of overdoing some things and paying no or little attention to others.
Posted 07 January 2006 - 03:45 PM
Dragonfly: Congrats on your place finish. A nice result for "just for fun!"

Enjoy your new t-shirt and wear it with pride!
To everyone else: Good contest! Keep up the good work...this is fun.
Thanks again!
Posted 08 January 2006 - 06:28 PM

cyrclstar: Your permissions have been changed to design team member. Please be sure to review all the appropriate rules found on our main website.
Dragonfly: Please send a PM to resurepus with the address to where you would like your t-shirt delivered.
Thanks again everyone!
Posted 09 January 2006 - 09:08 AM
all the best to you "designers" if thats what you wanna call yourselves. I must say i am unimpressed whith this site, and its complete lack of talent and all the spec work going on. wtg, another hack at the industry.
lata pplz (ill keep this site in mind,when i wanna make fun of the people that are degrading and an embarasment to graphic design)
"this is my quick 5 minuite idea" wake up fools, graphic design is a profession that takes work.
and a design process that includes many skethes and conceptualization.
cyrclestar- i'd recomend leaving this site at once, becuase you are the only one on here that has the slightest bit of talent and potential, dont sell yourself short. Sign up to a professional forum, and leave these fools behind

all the best.
keep up the noobishness. (give me something to laugh about with the pro's)
i diddnt expect to win, after my post stating that "this contest was abandoned" and tbh, diddnt like any of the designs (cept cyrclestar)
also, who the hell is the judge, so far i have seen no sighn of "professional" design. just a site full of hacks (that are complete shoddy designers) and speck work that is a discrace to the business.
later, like i said, i stopped following this post/site, a long time ago.
good luck in your future. (if you honestly think you have one in graphic design)

Posted 09 January 2006 - 03:52 PM
stopped followign this thread a long time ago, i dont appreciate wasting my time.
all the best to you "designers" if thats what you wanna call yourselves. I must say i am unimpressed whith this site, and its complete lack of talent and all the spec work going on. wtg, another hack at the industry.
lata pplz (ill keep this site in mind,when i wanna make fun of the people that are degrading and an embarasment to graphic design)
"this is my quick 5 minuite idea" wake up fools, graphic design is a profession that takes work.
and a design process that includes many skethes and conceptualization.
cyrclestar- i'd recomend leaving this site at once, becuase you are the only one on here that has the slightest bit of talent and potential, dont sell yourself short. Sign up to a professional forum, and leave these fools behind
all the best.
keep up the noobishness. (give me something to laugh about with the pro's)...
To call yourself a, "Professional Designer" would mean that you have enough respect for yourself, the community of whichever profession you belong (in this case: Design), and a respect for your clients. At the foundation of professionalism is respect. Professionals, no matter how talented or skilled, will never go far without respect. One result is that companies/firms will love them, while clients hate them. Another result is the love from clients but a complete disgust from companies/firms. The final result is disgust from both parties (companies and clients).
As a, "Professional Designer" or a self-proclaimed representative thereof, you cannot afford the option of disprecting others (especially within your profession). Your opinions, liam, are welcomed here I would assume. However, to extend your opinion to a few disrespectful comments is the real, "hack at the industry." I'm not hurt nor offended by your comments. That does not mean that others aren't as well. All the designers that participated in this contest have potential. They all cherished a time to practice, grow, and enjoy their art. They are taking design to a level it should be - beyond business, beyond simple art and to a complex paradigm: an expression of self.
If you cannot appreciate the complexity of the participation here, how can you appreciate the simplicity of Professional Design?
I hope that you continue to grow into a respectful professional.
Posted 09 January 2006 - 04:53 PM
So Mr. Pro Designer, why is it that you don't even so much as have YOUR OWN SITE listed??? I mean, I think you'd want to show off your PROFESSIONAL portfolio so that all those that "lack" talent can see what a "real" designer produces... Hell, if you were SOOOO good wouldn't it be a bit more benficial to yourself to help those in the community LEARN from your so called great talent? The point is, you're no better than many of the other designers on this site.
If you weren't happy participating here on DC.net and within the DC.net forums you should just shut your yap and be a DECENT human-being... Fuck being a professional, fuck being a "good" designer, be a GOOD human-being. Then maybe the rest will truly follow.
Now, before I forget the fact I'm trying to remain tactful, I'm out!!!
stopped followign this thread a long time ago, i dont appreciate wasting my time.
all the best to you "designers" if thats what you wanna call yourselves. I must say i am unimpressed whith this site, and its complete lack of talent and all the spec work going on. wtg, another hack at the industry.
lata pplz (ill keep this site in mind,when i wanna make fun of the people that are degrading and an embarasment to graphic design)
"this is my quick 5 minuite idea" wake up fools, graphic design is a profession that takes work.
and a design process that includes many skethes and conceptualization.
cyrclestar- i'd recomend leaving this site at once, becuase you are the only one on here that has the slightest bit of talent and potential, dont sell yourself short. Sign up to a professional forum, and leave these fools behind
all the best.
keep up the noobishness. (give me something to laugh about with the pro's)
i diddnt expect to win, after my post stating that "this contest was abandoned" and tbh, diddnt like any of the designs (cept cyrclestar)
also, who the hell is the judge, so far i have seen no sighn of "professional" design. just a site full of hacks (that are complete shoddy designers) and speck work that is a discrace to the business.
later, like i said, i stopped following this post/site, a long time ago.
good luck in your future. (if you honestly think you have one in graphic design)
Posted 09 January 2006 - 05:00 PM
stopped followign this thread a long time ago, i dont appreciate wasting my time.
all the best to you "designers" if thats what you wanna call yourselves. I must say i am unimpressed whith this site, and its complete lack of talent and all the spec work going on. wtg, another hack at the industry.
lata pplz (ill keep this site in mind,when i wanna make fun of the people that are degrading and an embarasment to graphic design)
"this is my quick 5 minuite idea" wake up fools, graphic design is a profession that takes work.
and a design process that includes many skethes and conceptualization.
cyrclestar- i'd recomend leaving this site at once, becuase you are the only one on here that has the slightest bit of talent and potential, dont sell yourself short. Sign up to a professional forum, and leave these fools behind
all the best.
keep up the noobishness. (give me something to laugh about with the pro's)
i diddnt expect to win, after my post stating that "this contest was abandoned" and tbh, diddnt like any of the designs (cept cyrclestar)
also, who the hell is the judge, so far i have seen no sighn of "professional" design. just a site full of hacks (that are complete shoddy designers) and speck work that is a discrace to the business.
later, like i said, i stopped following this post/site, a long time ago.
good luck in your future. (if you honestly think you have one in graphic design)
Posted 09 January 2006 - 11:47 PM
stopped followign this thread a long time ago, i dont appreciate wasting my time.
all the best to you "designers" if thats what you wanna call yourselves. I must say i am unimpressed whith this site, and its complete lack of talent and all the spec work going on. wtg, another hack at the industry.
etc. etc.
Woah! Looks like someone is jealous

You call yourself professional? If I 'strtd talkin to a clinent liek this id b outta a job'.
Liam's already bashed our 'lack of design skills' once near the beginning of the thread, but she edited her post.
PS: And this is just my personal opinion, but do you think you really have that much to brag about?

Liam's Entry for a Previous Contest
Posted 18 January 2006 - 09:17 PM
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