What does your city look like?
Posted 07 March 2006 - 07:28 PM

Rexburg, Idaho: Average Yearly Temperature = 44 F
Home of a cool dance festival:
Posted 07 March 2006 - 08:03 PM
I love Idaho. My dad lives up north in Lewiston.
Okay, I have to ask....does that sign say what I think it does??

Posted 07 March 2006 - 08:13 PM
Pretty town Lexie.
I love Idaho. My dad lives up north in Lewiston.
Okay, I have to ask....does that sign say what I think it does??
Yep, it says Beaver Dick Park. There was a guy who trapped beavers named Richard, but people called him Beaver Dick. Then they named a park after him.
Posted 12 March 2006 - 11:17 PM
My city is very open, there is not a lack of space, but it's not because it's all that rural. The city center is the metropolitan area where most people work, go to plays, visit museums and art shows, ...etc. Then there is the residential area which surrounds the city center from all sides and expands vertically more than horizontally. As you can see by this light emissions map that I found, we are quite a modern city. However, go out of town about 25 minutes and you will be seeing nothing but sky, field, and mountains up ahead.
This first image sums up Calgary to a tee. There is plenty of greenery, lots of residential housing, and the city center in the middle (kind of like most cities I guess).

This next image really gives an idea of what Calgary builders value. Old world, mixed with new world, good clean architecture, and plenty of space for people to gather for events.

Chinook Center, this is the best mall in the world! and it's here in Calgary. Now don't get the wrong impression, I haven't literally been to all of the malls in the world, but this is definitely one of the greats. Amazing architecture, HUGE, and has a very good assortment of stores and products. There is a mall in a town North of us that claims to have a better mall, but other than their swimming park that's there, I really think ours stacks up quite well against it. Unfortunately I don't think anyone has yet attempted to capture the entire mall in one photo, but this will give you an idea of the appearance. By the way, this is just the food court (the glass area) and one restaurant (called East Side Marios) you are seeing in the image, the mall extends much farther as you can imagine.

To give you an idea for the size, this is the lot map for the mall, and what you saw in the previous image was about the size of the last two letters in Chinook Centre (the k and the e).

This is what the city center looks like at night. The tower on the right side is called the Calgary Tower and it stands around 626 feet (190 meters). There is a flame on that tower from the Olympics, and they still light it once in a while for special occasions (as you can see in the photo).

Lastly, I can't include this as an image, but attached to this post is what the 'outside city limits' look like, if you are curious. Also, THIS is what the large residential area that extends far outside the city center looks like for the most part.
Also, thanks to World Web for taking most of these great pics, because I could never have taken them myself.
Posted 14 March 2006 - 11:41 PM

@MissUnderstood ; Seems like a quite town. It's beautiful. Thanks for posting.

@Redrum ; Your post was like a short city tour. Thanks for introducing your city in such details. The Calgary Tower looks amazing at night.

Posted 20 March 2006 - 12:02 AM
Boston is a modern American city with Old World European charm. This means that it is easier to walk around than it is to drive. Boston is unlike any other place in the world. It is a conservatively liberal city, which is a mix of a lot of different ideas and cultures.
Posted 21 March 2006 - 03:48 PM
Posted 22 March 2006 - 12:31 AM
Thank you, Uniment1. Yes, Boston is a great place. It's very safe and convenient. But climate is not ideal. A little bit too hot during the summer and a little bit too many snowstorms during the winter season.
Try living in south carolina ... last week it was 85 and today it was 43. I friggin hate the weather here; the second I finish school I'm moving up north. Probably Ohio or another state along the lakes.
Posted 03 April 2006 - 02:51 AM
Logo Design
Posted 28 April 2006 - 10:53 AM

Hey:) i live in Crosby in Liverpool, where the stupidly famous Iron Men have been placed on the beach... they have no point - but they look good on pictures lol
Liverpool - basically famous for the beatles, City of Culture 2008, anddd Liverpool winning the champions league lol.
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