To edit a Drupal template do the following
1. Login to your Drupal administration panel. Go to Modules and see what version is listed next to the installed modules.
2.Download the CTools, Views, and Theme Editor modules from Drupal main website. Scroll down to Downloads for each related page and right click ".zip" link, and select"Save Link As". Do not extract the files.
3.From Drupal admin panel go to Modules ->Install new module-> Upload a module ->Browse and select the zip file you downloaded earlier. Open the file and click Install. Go to the link "Enable newly added modules" . install the other modules in the same way.
4.After installing the modules, go to the end of the page and check the check boxes for the chaos tool suit , Theme Editor and Views . Click the Save Configuration button when you are done.
5.Go to Appearance, click think Editor link next to your theme. The first file displayed is the info file. The remaining template files follow.
6.the file "page.tpl.php" controls the drupal pages structure. It is where you can remove, add or edit elements like DIV container and edit CSS classes for every DIV if you want custom styles. When you are done editing the file, click the Save & Enable Changes option.
7.The files layout.css and style.css are style sheets defining the positioning, style, colors, images and layout. The node.tpl.php controls the content layout. There are other styling files that can be edited.
Editing Drupal Templates
To edit a Drupal template do the following
1. Login to your Drupal administration panel. Go to Modules...
editing drupal templates
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