To be back on topic, i have to admit that you are right.
Good communication (and a bit of persuasion) makes good sales in general. If you "sale" logos, voila! And Liz, along with her very good designing skills and style, is a very good communicator. She even admitted that most earning are from one-on-one. If you keep a customer happy, he will return. I know this from another place, not here, since here my success isnt so great (at one-on-ones).
Noe, my analysis:
- Ambush has most (if not all) of his golds from the poster contests, held by the same CH. He knows what the CH wants to see and he wins. He is a good designer of print/posters.
- Vlad Todirut is not a poster designer but a webpage designer, i think you overlooked that. He has a nice simple, clean style and he also has a great entry/win ratio.
- Eximius has the most golds, and he removes silvers and bronzes from his portfolio... REally, is there anyone who know how many silvers/bronzes he removed?.
- And you forgot Operhal and Gary (GJRDesings), who both have great success rations reported to total entries... Very strong designers, with different styles, a pleasure to watch and a nightmare to compete against.
- There are also others in top 10-20..
So the truth is that you have to enter mostly contest where your skills match the requests of the CH. Communication is also important (to explain what your design means, mostly), but you have to admit that most CH don't communicate that much. They dont even provide feedback.
And that i do not understand, how can you expect to have a great logo if you say nothing during 7-10-12 days of contest. If you rate something high as a CH but dont comment on it, most "designers" will start copying the top rated ones.
That's my oppinion. But as you can see, i enter lots of contests, and throw in lots of ideas in most of them. And i also do/did lots of changes to winning designs and those count too i think, so i have a large number of entries and a small number of medals compared to my fellow level 10 designers. Ah, and a lousy one-on-one record of 2 (actually 1, because 1 was not funded so never started...).
Edited by aandrei_24, 23 January 2014 - 11:49 PM.