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3D and Illustrator

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#1 BurakUeda


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Posted 15 May 2009 - 04:24 PM

I design logos and web pages mostly and most of my works are 2D. Using shadows, gradients etc. occasionally to give the artwork a 3D feel, and that is pretty much it.

But in last couple of years, customers started to demand complete 3D works. And I am not talking about something cartoonish, or just extruded 2D objects.
I am talking about these kind of stuff:
3D-435, Pixellogo
3D-434, Pixellogo
3D-430, Pixellogo
3D-403, Pixellogo
3D-414, Pixellogo

Now, I saw people in different designing forums/websites saying that they will provide fully scalable .AI files for their artworks, which are very similar to those above.

Any idea what they might be using?

What I have tried so far:
  • Created in 3ds max, exported to Swift 3D and exported to Ai. Result was disaster.
  • Created in Ps CS4, and tried to export it to EPS->Ai, again result was dissapointing.
  • Ai's own 3D tools are just toys imho. They cannot be used for any production level work. They just won't cut it.

The only thing I didn't try is Strata. They claim that we can export 3D work to the Ai, with their Strata 3D CX, combined with the Strata 3D Vector plug-in. Linky -> S T R A T A - The Power of 3D

Somehow their trial software isn't working on my Japanese 64bit Vista, but looks promising. Anyone have tried them?

Or anyone have any insights on creating Ai friendly 3D works?

#2 MAC



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Posted 03 June 2009 - 07:30 PM

I am pretty sure it's possible to do such designs with Adobe Illustrator. I've seen sooo many designs similar to Blue line and REDCOMM logos done with the Illustrator. Not sure about THiNK logo, looks too difficult for me from the technical side, I guess I am not experienced enough to find out how it is done. Strategic logo looks kinda possible with Illustrator too. And the last Ergonomic logo could be done with Illustrator and I am sure of it because I've had a chance to make 3d rounded shapes and the technique is not really difficult.
I have been looking for turorials on how to make logos like REDCOMM and Blue Line because I like this style and it seems it's kinda popular.. But I failed to find the right ones.
So in my opinion you are wrong saying that Illustrator 3d abilities suck, you just should learn more how to use them if you haven't already. On the other hands, try something else like 3D Studio. I've never used this program but look at the logo, which was produced using 3D Studio!

Posted Image

Good luck finding a way to create what you want,

#3 mik3y


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Posted 05 June 2009 - 07:34 PM

Maya is a pretty efficient program if you can work on it comfortably

but 3ds max seems to satisfy my 3d-graphics for the moment:P
I think those can be done in illustrator, as well, it just takes a little bit of imagination and time.

#4 paladin884


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Posted 07 July 2009 - 12:35 PM

Blender, Maya and 3dstudio max i found it very good in 3d staff, olso in illustrator can be made, but is mush more work..

Good luck!

#5 Alovesopure777


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Posted 15 July 2009 - 02:37 AM

Blender can be used for 3D graphics for stock photography and stuff, plus its free. It has a hard learning curve though... I am only a beginner at this point.

You could use some of the 3D options in Illustrator, like the 3D shapes and whatnot. However, those are really limited shapes but they do have a simple texture feature.

#6 AlottaDots


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Posted 28 July 2009 - 05:23 PM

I have tried all those and my patience is about as thin as string. From what i can see, most contest holders like it simple and brandable. Something that will print easy. These certainly do not, although they look damn pretty! More of a web only style logo? you think?

#7 DuBain


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Posted 29 July 2009 - 04:01 AM

3d logos can be made with aparent vectors, combining gradients and sense of dept in the right place, Ive seen photorealistic cars made of illustrator vectors, light & color knoledge its important, altought you might not want to go on exagerated detail, keep in mind the use and application of your logo, 3D logos maybe beautiful for web but Print costs can get expensive unless your logo will only be printed B&W or has very specific colors.

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