In the world of web design, there’s always something else you could be offering your clients, if you only had the time to sit down and learn a few things about it. What we mean is, there are plenty of complimentary skills that fold directly into our line of work, and make you infinitely more marketable as a skilled professional. By learning a few of the skill sets we list below, you not only run the risk of bolstering your resume, but also making a few extra bucks of your existing and future clients. And this train of never-ending cash beings with the ever popular:

  1. Web Design: This might seem like a dumb answer, but if you know how to put a few lines of HTML together, you’re already an arm-and-a-leg above the chap that only knows how to move pixels. Rarely will a company hire a design professional to only produce the graphics for their website. Instead, they’ll most likely want a bloke that can not only wield the Photoshop pen like a wizard, but string the finished product up onto the Web like Neo. If you can do both of these things, you’re one step closer to being the Chosen One.
  2. Online Marketing: This one’s a little harder to crack into, but is easily worth the initial man hours investment. The thing is, most companies that hire you to create promotional materials for them are instantly ready to hit the advertising realm with your productions. If you can bridge the gap, and offer to produce and distribute this media, you’re already looking like a top-notch bargain. This might require you mapping out some connections, calling in some initial favors, and upgrading to a better business mobile phone plan, but in the long run, it’s easily worth the overhead investment.
  3. Learn to Draw: Lastly, if you don’t have a basic understanding of traditional illustration and artistry, we demand that you hit the books. Art is at the very core of what we do as graphic artists, and if you haven’t got a feel for the basics, you aren’t likely to succeed very often. This doesn’t mean you have to become the next Da Vinci, but with a little practice in illustration, you’ll very quickly find your design work takes on a whole new tone.