a former DC member is a killer.
Posted 06 October 2009 - 08:18 PM
slinky how did you match that story with DC?
Stated he was a rapper/singer and nothing about him being a designer.??
yea, i saw this story on CNN and found out it was not far from where i lived and i got curious and googled a few things. And found out he was an aspiring web designer and went by the name "LiLdEmOnDoG", so i searched that username and found it and it led me here.
Singer: Slayings off limits to horrorcore rappers - washingtonpost.com
McCroskey, an aspiring rapper himself, was a Web site designer and promoter of Shrim's label, Serial Killin Records.
McCroskey, who went by the screen name "LiLdEmOnDoG," had been doing Web work and promotions for another horrorcore label, Wicked Intent Records, when he first approached Razakel about a year and a half ago. They met in January at a gathering in Apple Valley, Calif.
here is his profile on DC
Design Contest Forums - View Profile: lildemondog
also on his profile his website is listed as
Juggalo's 4 Lyfe
and through reading all the stories about this murder, i learned that Juggalos are heavily associated with Horrorcore music.
Posted 06 October 2009 - 08:27 PM
So you are basically here to state that a member from 2003 is the prime suspect in a murder.
Your not a designer or have any other reasons to be here?
Just curious, if your a designer glad you could make it. But might want to change the title and truely introduce yourself.

I also started searching and found he was an aspiring designer. But I don't think DC really wants to be associated with a suspected murderer.
I'm sure you could post this type of thing on some Horrormusic sites and they'll get a immoral kick out of it.
Posted 06 October 2009 - 08:47 PM
Not really anyone's fault except the person whom commits the crime though, unless they have an extensive abuse history where they them self were the victim of both physical & metal abuse that eventually affected their thought process & eliminated any self conscience they may of had. At which point the abusers of them become just as responsible for molding & creating a psychologically unstable shadow of them self.
At any rate, do the crime & do the time, if & when you get caught.

Posted 06 October 2009 - 08:59 PM
All the monster community contests here which seem to bring out additional mass murder gore design approaches probably aren't helping the unstable psychological framework of people like that.
If you have a look at most the entrants they've been really tame and no real gore factor in my opinion.
As far as unstable psychy of people like this. You'd be surprised that a "trigger" is something stuck in the back of their mind. like a smell, a way a word is said or stated in a specific pitch or even a color or a rooms orentation and furniture placement. The mind is a powerfull, beutiful and scarry thing.
Not really anyone's fault except the person whom commits the crime though, unless they have an extensive abuse history where they them self were the victim of both physical & metal abuse that eventually affected their thought process & eliminated any self conscience they may of had. At which point the abusers of them become just as responsible for molding & creating a psychologically unstable shadow of them self.
At any rate, do the crime & do the time, if & when you get caught.
I think that is a truely thin line and a comment that needs to be stated with astrics behind it.
I'm not an abusive person but do come from an abusive background. Don't get me wrong I'll beat someone down that starts something (I'm what you call a finisher) but I knew I'd not want to be like my father that would beat me with a 2X4 for letting 30 head of cows out of the pin just cause I was 6yrs old and got scarred because of these huge bests running directly at me.
People generally know right from wrong in one way or another it's up to them on how they will proceed in life. Even if they have the ability or even the want. It truely is up to them in the end.
I will say that a statement like mine should also have an astric after it. Like I said the gray matter between our ears does some amazing and crazy things that we'll never truely understand.
Agree do the crime do the time.
Posted 06 October 2009 - 09:32 PM
If you have a look at most the entrants they've been really tame and no real gore factor in my opinion.
As far as unstable psychy of people like this. You'd be surprised that a "trigger" is something stuck in the back of their mind. like a smell, a way a word is said or stated in a specific pitch or even a color or a rooms orentation and furniture placement. The mind is a powerfull, beutiful and scarry thing.
Oh, I fully agree that it's an unconscious trigger that's stuck in the back of a persons mind, however, that trigger was normally developed after being abused in some way (mentally or physically). It all falls under (PTSD) Post traumatic stress disorder. not everyone knows that they have been damaged by past abuse until it's too late normally.
I think that is a truely thin line and a comment that needs to be stated with astrics behind it.
I'm not an abusive person but do come from an abusive background. Don't get me wrong I'll beat someone down that starts something (I'm what you call a finisher) but I knew I'd not want to be like my father that would beat me with a 2X4 for letting 30 head of cows out of the pin just cause I was 6yrs old and got scarred because of these huge bests running directly at me.
People generally know right from wrong in one way or another it's up to them on how they will proceed in life. Even if they have the ability or even the want. It truely is up to them in the end.
I will say that a statement like mine should also have an astric after it. Like I said the gray matter between our ears does some amazing and crazy things that we'll never truely understand.
Agree do the crime do the time.
I also agree that it's a thin line & a gray area. We each respond to abuse a little differently. A large % of children that are molested by the same sex end up bi-sexual or gay when they grow up, most will never admit it though. There are then the ones that become violent against gays with the memory of the past molestation, & also that % that becomes manic depressive.
There are several more offspring %'s as well, but the above are the main ones stemming from that type of physical & mental abuse.
As you stated though, there is definitely a gray area & each of us may respond differently later in life.

Posted 06 October 2009 - 11:38 PM
yea, i saw this story on CNN and found out it was not far from where i lived and i got curious and googled a few things. And found out he was an aspiring web designer and went by the name "LiLdEmOnDoG", so i searched that username and found it and it led me here.
Singer: Slayings off limits to horrorcore rappers - washingtonpost.com
here is his profile on DC
Design Contest Forums - View Profile: lildemondog
also on his profile his website is listed as
Juggalo's 4 Lyfe
and through reading all the stories about this murder, i learned that Juggalos are heavily associated with Horrorcore music.
Slinky so now that you have found DC are you gonna stick around? are you an artist/designer?
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Posted 06 October 2009 - 11:56 PM
Slinky so now that you have found DC are you gonna stick around? are you an artist/designer?
I highly doubt that he/she will ever be back. I think he was just following where this guy had been.
I basically asked the same thing while he was still loged in to the site and never responded. after which he was gone. ?
Posted 07 October 2009 - 12:20 AM
I highly doubt that he/she will ever be back. I think he was just following where this guy had been.
I basically asked the same thing while he was still loged in to the site and never responded. after which he was gone. ?
Go figure, come post something negative and now when someone googles that name DC will pop up as well.
You know ...Our monster contests, what gore has popped out from that? Lets blame all the old time looney tune cartoons for this bad guy lol.
I love those old looney tunes! My favorite "When I say stop I mean stop!" lol
I have a little weiner dog, her name is piper , she is the singing frog..... remember the looney tune where the guy finds a frog in a box, opens the box and the frog sings, the guy thinks he will get rich, puts the frog on stage and the frog does nothing but............ribbit. when people are here visiting she is a chicken and hides or just stays laying down beside me (she is a rescue from the pound) but as soon as everyone leaves she runs all over, plays you name it, she is a singing frog,
enough blabbering, I still don't think the DC monster contests have made some baddies pop out.
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Posted 07 October 2009 - 12:29 AM
Go figure, come post something negative and now when someone googles that name DC will pop up as well.
You know ...Our monster contests, what gore has popped out from that? Lets blame all the old time looney tune cartoons for this bad guy lol.
I love those old looney tunes! My favorite "When I say stop I mean stop!" lol
I have a little weiner dog, her name is piper , she is the singing frog..... remember the looney tune where the guy finds a frog in a box, opens the box and the frog sings, the guy thinks he will get rich, puts the frog on stage and the frog does nothing but............ribbit. when people are here visiting she is a chicken and hides or just stays laying down beside me (she is a rescue from the pound) but as soon as everyone leaves she runs all over, plays you name it, she is a singing frog,
enough blabbering, I still don't think the DC monster contests have made some baddies pop out.
I don't so much think the monster contests have made baddies pop out really (That weren't already there). but I have noticed a few that post mass murder type stuff with blood that may be a reflection of ones inner psyche. So, in essence, it's not the contests that create a baddie, it's a persons own psyche that relates differently to a monster contest & they envision a monster more as a mass murderer or serial killer, & rightfully a murderer is technically a monster too, just a different type of monster on another level.

Posted 07 October 2009 - 12:46 AM
I don't so much think the monster contests have made baddies pop out really (That weren't already there). but I have noticed a few that post mass murder type stuff with blood that may be a reflection of ones inner psyche. So, in essence, it's not the contests that create a baddie, it's a persons own psyche that relates differently to a monster contest & they envision a monster more as a mass murderer or serial killer, & rightfully a murderer is technically a monster too, just a different type of monster on another level.
I wonder what my cartoon type monster say about my psyche..lol well maybe I don't want to know
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Posted 07 October 2009 - 10:51 AM

Posted 08 October 2009 - 08:45 AM
yeah, that pretty curios, I am now asking myself too. But about the looney tunes, I gotten to liking Taz devil, it seems he's the monster I liked, though there's a real Taz (animals).I wonder what my cartoon type monster say about my psyche
If you 've seen Taz on the TV, he's kinda cute, brave, and funny. I am collecting taz items since high school, learning the different kinds of designs made of him, and bring in an influence with me as a designer.
Posted 08 October 2009 - 09:35 AM
Not really anyone's fault except the person whom commits the crime though, unless they have an extensive abuse history where they them self were the victim of both physical & metal abuse that eventually affected their thought process & eliminated any self conscience they may of had. At which point the abusers of them become just as responsible for molding & creating a psychologically unstable shadow of them self.
Extensive abuse history or not, participating in an act of violence is a choice. We're shaped by our environment, but we can also escape it.
Posted 08 October 2009 - 09:58 AM
Oh, I fully agree that it's an unconscious trigger that's stuck in the back of a persons mind, however, that trigger was normally developed after being abused in some way (mentally or physically). It all falls under (PTSD) Post traumatic stress disorder. not everyone knows that they have been damaged by past abuse until it's too late normally.
I also agree that it's a thin line & a gray area. We each respond to abuse a little differently. A large % of children that are molested by the same sex end up bi-sexual or gay when they grow up, most will never admit it though. There are then the ones that become violent against gays with the memory of the past molestation, & also that % that becomes manic depressive.
There are several more offspring %'s as well, but the above are the main ones stemming from that type of physical & mental abuse.
As you stated though, there is definitely a gray area & each of us may respond differently later in life.
Now you're reaching into my area... here's an article I wrote about coping with PTSD symptoms - flashbacks or intrusive memories in particular.
Coping with Flashbacks: Goals and Techniques for Handling the Memories
The site is mine as well, and you'll likely see some personal information on there but since I'm planning on being an active member here you'd likely learn it anyway. So sorry about the education you're about to receive.
I'm a male survivor of sexual abuse by another male. The likelihood of a survivor of sexual abuse being diagnosed with Bipolar is no higher than among those with no sexual abuse history. Survivors of sexual abuse are more likely to develop Anxiety Disorders including PTSD (my diagnosis), General Anxiety, OCD, Panic Disorder, etc. We are also more likely to deal with Depression. The reason there seems to be a higher incidence of Bipolar Diagnosis among survivors is that repeated bouts of Depression can trigger a Manic episode in those with the genetic disposition for Bipolar Disorder.
As for those who are sexually abused by the same gender becoming gay, there is a higher correlation. However pedophiles tend to pick their victims from among the social outcasts - the shy, awkward, different. Many now suspect the reason more survivors are gay is because they were targeted because of that very behavior, or rather their prevalence toward it.
As for survivors being more likely to be violent towards gays - sadly this is true, particularly among male survivors. Much of this stems from their own fears of being gay, often caused by the misconceptions planted by their abusers... statements of "you like this" when a male child is having a physical reaction to touch that they can neither understand or control can be pretty effective ways to control a child.
One myth that you avoided - thankfully so - is that a higher percentage of those who are sexually abused go on to become abusers themselves. This is false, and studies have shown the percentages are the same... and any percentage is too high.
In any case... I'm happy to answer any questions about my situation but please don't ask me to try and figure out what made this disturbed person do what he did... for that go and ask on my website *shrugs* at least that way I'll get the traffic and some ad revenue.
Posted 08 October 2009 - 04:55 PM
Alot of people will burry this information, Like my sister did. We had a OLD neighbor that did things to her when she was young. Never told anyone till later. When my brother and I found out we were both ready to do some head tramma to this sick F!. but was told he'd allready died as he was old. My sister told us this is why she didn't tell us, because she knew what we would have done to him and if she told my my mom she'd told my dad and he'd probably have a life sentence as well.
When I worked in a prison I had to do dictation from counselors as part of my job. and if not for my kids I'd probably be in jail because of sick-o's pedofiles.
One last statement. There was a guy here in WA that would go on those websites that show where the pedo's live. Went to their houses and killed them. He is in jail w/ a life sentence now but feel he shouldn't be.. ya ya it's wrong to kill someone, but for people to who do this type of things to children I don't see them as people. they basically taken the life of those children and most molested children live a horible life because of it.
i'll stop now but commend you for contributing to others in this way.
Posted 08 October 2009 - 05:42 PM
Now you're reaching into my area... here's an article I wrote about coping with PTSD symptoms - flashbacks or intrusive memories in particular.
Coping with Flashbacks: Goals and Techniques for Handling the Memories
The site is mine as well, and you'll likely see some personal information on there but since I'm planning on being an active member here you'd likely learn it anyway. So sorry about the education you're about to receive.
I'm a male survivor of sexual abuse by another male. The likelihood of a survivor of sexual abuse being diagnosed with Bipolar is no higher than among those with no sexual abuse history. Survivors of sexual abuse are more likely to develop Anxiety Disorders including PTSD (my diagnosis), General Anxiety, OCD, Panic Disorder, etc. We are also more likely to deal with Depression. The reason there seems to be a higher incidence of Bipolar Diagnosis among survivors is that repeated bouts of Depression can trigger a Manic episode in those with the genetic disposition for Bipolar Disorder.
As for those who are sexually abused by the same gender becoming gay, there is a higher correlation. However pedophiles tend to pick their victims from among the social outcasts - the shy, awkward, different. Many now suspect the reason more survivors are gay is because they were targeted because of that very behavior, or rather their prevalence toward it.
As for survivors being more likely to be violent towards gays - sadly this is true, particularly among male survivors. Much of this stems from their own fears of being gay, often caused by the misconceptions planted by their abusers... statements of "you like this" when a male child is having a physical reaction to touch that they can neither understand or control can be pretty effective ways to control a child.
One myth that you avoided - thankfully so - is that a higher percentage of those who are sexually abused go on to become abusers themselves. This is false, and studies have shown the percentages are the same... and any percentage is too high.
In any case... I'm happy to answer any questions about my situation but please don't ask me to try and figure out what made this disturbed person do what he did... for that go and ask on my website *shrugs* at least that way I'll get the traffic and some ad revenue.
I too was sexually abused at a young age. I was repeatedly raped & molested by a step father for several years starting at Age 5. I have undergone major physiological counseling & every psychologist & psychiatrist I've talked to associate a portion of my PTSD & my Bi-Sexuality (Preference for sex with men & woman) to that traumatic part of my life.
So Whilst I appreciate your attempt to fully educate me about how i am supposed to be, feel, or conduct myself. I must again point out that everyone will have a different reaction to trauma (mental & or physical).
During my counseling I was also told that talking about my past & not bottling it up helps in recovering. So this is why I to am able to share such an event in my life with you as you have with me.
It would be nice if every car in the whole world was only available in the color White so that it would be predictable & easily described. However, one answer is not the case for cars nor is it the case for trauma victims sadly. Sorry to hear you had to go through a similar event that i have & I can only hope that your recovery process is going well.
For the most part though, I think your interpretation of the possibilities of what people may become after a traumatic event are good.

Posted 08 October 2009 - 07:58 PM
So Whilst I appreciate your attempt to fully educate me about how i am supposed to be, feel, or conduct myself. I must again point out that everyone will have a different reaction to trauma (mental & or physical).
I wasn't attempting to educate you about how anyone should be, just trying to clear up some misconceptions some may hold about survivors. I've seen too many conversations online go down roads that don't help anyone by spreading the "if he abused then he must have been abused" road. I've seen too many ignorant people on other forums assume that because I was sexually abused I must be gay, or a gay basher, or a child molester myself.
It would be nice if every car in the whole world was only available in the color White so that it would be predictable & easily described. However, one answer is not the case for cars nor is it the case for trauma victims sadly. Sorry to hear you had to go through a similar event that i have & I can only hope that your recovery process is going well.
For the most part though, I think your interpretation of the possibilities of what people may become after a traumatic event are good.
Come on now... the whole "white car" world would just be boring as all hell. My whole point was that genetics and our own choices play a part in who and what we turn out to be. The past, traumatic or not, is just one of the forces that shapes us.
Sorry you had to deal with this as well, and glad to see you've gotten help and are able to talk about it as well.
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