I've seen the movie 2012 recently, and .. wow, but ... now, talking seriuously, I don't think such things are going to happen actually, I mean, many times in history they -the fatalists- have said the end is coming but we are still here ... I think that what Mayas meant in relation of the end of times has to do with the renewal of thoughts, consciuosness, behavior, way of thinking ... Well. There have been many moments in our lifes when we just stop and look back, what have we done so far? where have we gotten to so far? what have we achieved so far? and so on .... after those reflexions we have had the chance to remake our plans, to change our behavior and start over ... in search for a better life.

So I think, my (our) destiny is not yet written! So live a good life! and when the time is about to come (whenever it is to each one of us) we will be ready to close our eyes with a peaceful smile on our face and cross the light to a better place .....

Best regards, peace and love!
btw: excuse me for the writing mistakes in English, I did my best though :-) ... Best wishes for 2010.
Edited by jjyepez, 06 January 2010 - 04:28 AM.