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How do I make an image "sharper" or "clearer".

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#1 Guest_mevector_*

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Posted 16 July 2012 - 11:07 AM

I've been producing amateur layouts and advertisements with
Photoshop for years. So I know, not much, but a little about Photoshop.

I've just learned to produce a .jpg and upload it to a server, to make
graphic changes to my Web sites.

I switched out one .jpg for another and there was a difference in the sharpeness. It should all be 72 right?

How do I make an image "sharper" or "clearer".

#2 jjyepez



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Posted 16 July 2012 - 11:20 AM

JPEGs has some "percentage" of quality ... if you want your jpg images sharper use a high percentage of quality (less or 0% compression) .. and that should work.
Nevertheless, you should better use PNG formats for your final raster images, or use some jpg optimization software for your 0% compressed files.

Take a look at this app: JPEG Imager - CNET Download.com

#3 sharie



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Posted 16 July 2012 - 06:15 PM

The best way I have found is to save your original vector sized at the size to upload a jpg for example in AI i put a white layer behind my design sized 640x480, I make the design the size I want and save it. I then open photoshop, I open the ai file and size in the pop up sizer window 640x480 300 res. You now have the exact size and res open in photoshop. clicke on the mode and make sure you change mode to rgb (for the uploaded entry jpg). save as jpg. Now when you upload your file should be nice and clear/clean looking.

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#4 rajagee


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Posted 17 July 2012 - 05:52 AM

I thank this is very helpfull to you please check this video tutorial link Photoshop cs5 tutorial: How to make an image sharper . - YouTube
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#5 sharie



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Posted 17 July 2012 - 06:12 AM

rajagee I can see how this could help some with photo or raster type work but when dealing with vector files this type of editing is not needed. You should have no need to edit the AI or eps file. You are just saving that file as a jpg. You want to show the contestholder the exact vector file when dealing with logos.

Thank you for posting the the tutorial though!

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#6 einstine



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Posted 17 July 2012 - 07:28 AM

Thanks for this.. it will really help the newbies. And for me what matters also are your raw materials..no matter what the compression or formats will you save your design if you used raster images and shapes then most likely you will produce not clear and sharp output. :-)

#7 hugandro


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Posted 18 July 2012 - 12:37 AM

great info

#8 krsbelle



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Posted 18 July 2012 - 03:12 AM

Photoshop is not the best software to use in Print material. Ideally you would like a minimum of 300 dpi at size. A jpeg is not a vector image.

#9 sharie



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Posted 18 July 2012 - 03:15 AM


you are correct a jpg is not a vector, we are talking about the uploaded entry image for viewing. All original source files are to be created as vectors but you need to save a version as a jpg for entry viewing in the contest.

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#10 Squewheet


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Posted 18 July 2012 - 04:58 AM

Well I know that this might be something diff then what your trying to do. But if I have a regular .jpg and someone wants me to sharpen it or clear it up. I usually do the following below.

1st. Open image in "Photoshop" and then duplicate it twice.
2nd. Lock the bottom layer and hide it so if you mess up you can restart and you can also check later to see if anything changed.
3rd. Go to the top layer and go to filter/sharpen/sharpen now then hit cmd or cntrl f a couple of times
4th. Go to object fade sharpen and then just try stuff out to see what you like.
5th. Now goto effect blur/Gaussian blur and add a small gaussian blur to it.
6th. Set that whole layer to overlay and reduce the opacity to something that looks good.

Now you can shut that layer off and on and see what it did to the image. Now i haven't done this in a long time but when i get home i will upload a image of what i am talking about. Try that and see if that works for you.


Edited by Squewheet, 18 July 2012 - 05:00 AM.

#11 einstine



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Posted 18 July 2012 - 07:44 AM

Well I know that this might be something diff then what your trying to do. But if I have a regular .jpg and someone wants me to sharpen it or clear it up. I usually do the following below.

1st. Open image in "Photoshop" and then duplicate it twice.
2nd. Lock the bottom layer and hide it so if you mess up you can restart and you can also check later to see if anything changed.
3rd. Go to the top layer and go to filter/sharpen/sharpen now then hit cmd or cntrl f a couple of times
4th. Go to object fade sharpen and then just try stuff out to see what you like.
5th. Now goto effect blur/Gaussian blur and add a small gaussian blur to it.
6th. Set that whole layer to overlay and reduce the opacity to something that looks good.

Now you can shut that layer off and on and see what it did to the image. Now i haven't done this in a long time but when i get home i will upload a image of what i am talking about. Try that and see if that works for you.


another good idea for image manipulation. :-)

#12 sanonyp


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Posted 22 July 2012 - 08:40 AM

the best way to save an image file is TIFF format if it is to be used in printing.

#13 shaheer


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Posted 23 July 2012 - 04:41 PM

Thanks for this info,

#14 krsbelle



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Posted 26 July 2012 - 03:27 AM

Thanks for the great tip. I will try this next time.

#15 sunface


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Posted 26 July 2012 - 01:44 PM

I usually do the following below.

1st. Open image in "Photoshop"
2nd. Flatten the layers. (Keep original *.psd file or vector file)
3rd. Go to Filter/sharpen/unsharp mask
4th. Give the value Amount 65%-Radius 0.7 pixels-Threshold 0 levels, Click OK.
If not satisfy, give the more value : Amount 75%-Radius 0.8 pixels-Threshold 0 levels

Now save with *.jpg. Try...

#16 PaintedPony



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Posted 26 July 2012 - 11:35 PM

As Squewheet and sunface mentioned, using the filter>sharpen or filter>sharpen edges in photoshop works great - that's what I usually do.

#17 artgra


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Posted 31 July 2012 - 07:22 AM

Here Photoshop: HDR Effect Tutorial - YouTube Hope you find this helpful !
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#18 Ores1985


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Posted 20 March 2017 - 10:33 PM

When I need bright and "sharp" colours I look for HDR images. You can make them in Photoshop using the following tips https://aurorahdr.co...ffect-photoshop:

Launch Photoshop → File → Automate → Merge to HDR Pro… → Use: files of folder → Browse → click on the photo files→ OK → choose Presets if you need → OK.


#19 RajGawdi



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Posted 22 June 2017 - 05:40 AM

Useful Information that i read. I will try these ways also. But I was doing by duplication of layer, as I'm beginner so I find this way on google.

#20 laur


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Posted 24 June 2017 - 10:41 AM

Really you can be utilized both techniques underneath to enhance the complexity in your picture, which, to human eyes, makes the picture more keen too.   You can utilize or apply a High Pass filter, then adjust the Layer Mode to be Soft Light and have to also apply   the Sharpen module in Camera raw

Since I don't know for what sorts of pictures to make more keen you're searching for method? I connected them precisely; you can utilize them a great deal more fundamentally to put more difference in your photo

While the levels + bends modifications adequately do an indistinguishable thing from the heavy hammer technique for "improve differentiate + splendor", they give you considerably more control over what you're doing, so you can put brilliant and dim tones precisely where they have a place.


Note :You can prepared the picture in Darktable utilizing the Levels apparatus to alter high contrast focuses until the point that some important number of pixels were cut dull and splendid. Working from jpeg does not permit much scope for remapping grey-scale information in respect to having a RAW document. Since the beginning stage is just eight bits.
Darktable's Sharpness device was connected to create the second picture.

For guidelines on the most proficient method to utilize both instruments in Photoshop, simply take after this connections:



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