1 . First open your HTML file in an HTML editor or in Notepad. Locate the tags where you want to add the styles and then give them the "style" attribute. You can simply add the CSS code like this:
<div style="margin: 0 auto;">
This is an inline CSS. The code above centers the DIV on the page.
2.You have to add a space after the first style rule and then add another one, if required.
<div style="margin: 0 auto; font-style: bold;">
style rules should be separated with a semicolon. You can’t have more than one "style" attribute on the same tag.
3.Locate the part of the page where you want to place your CSS code. Add the "<style>" tags between "<head>" tags:
<style type="text/css">
/* Place your CSS code here... */
Inserting CSS between body tags
1 . First open your HTML file in an HTML editor or in Notepad. Locate the tags where you want to add...
inserting css inside body tags
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