2006-11-16--The Superhero
Posted 12 November 2006 - 09:26 PM

Posted 12 November 2006 - 10:43 PM
Yes, I can see some features of the robocop character in DaveZAT's drawing, and I don't see anything wrong with being inspired by the movie.
It's hard to design anything that looks original anymore. I agree, he does look a bit like robocop - I think it's the Devo glasses.
Posted 13 November 2006 - 12:43 AM
Why have just one superhero when you can have as many as you want. Need a flying one? Uber strong? Invisible? The wait is over, cause we have a deal for you..

Posted 13 November 2006 - 02:48 AM
You know my original idea was to do just a brain in a glass jar but that was done in Robocop 2. There just isn't any originality in cyborgs anymore.
Mine also has a brain in a glass jar

I agree with you about originality, maybe the robots and cyborgs is an idea taken from 80's, the superheros in this years are more humans or animal, more bio. Nice work anyway.
Posted 13 November 2006 - 03:23 AM
aeon is his name he came from another galaxy thats vanished the galaxy had five planet the main planet where the king lived and had 4 sons each one ruling a planet , but EVA the sorcery of that galaxy wanted to rule the galaxy and obtain the ultimate power f those planet , she killed all the sons and headed to the king , the king felt that the end is coming so he sent his lovely pregnant wife to another galaxy, and the kind sacrificed his life for his upcoming son (aeon).
They lived in earth happily but his mother died and aoen start wakening the power thats been living inside him. and a new trait coming to earth duo to the resuraction of EVA . and he need to stop her to save our galaxy.

Posted 13 November 2006 - 04:25 AM
Mine also has a brain in a glass jar
... anyway I wouldnt use the history, is like an idea of how the AIDS was created, but I have to tell you GOOD SKILL SHOWN in your illustration, I like the details.
I agree with you about originality, maybe the robots and cyborgs is an idea taken from 80's, the superheros in this years are more humans or animal, more bio. Nice work anyway.
Yes, next time I'll have to stick to some thing more orgainic. Sr. Lapsus is really cool - love the brain in the jar.
Posted 13 November 2006 - 06:40 AM

Posted 13 November 2006 - 05:35 PM
Super powers? Convincing kids to take a shower everyday!!

Posted 13 November 2006 - 07:58 PM

Posted 14 November 2006 - 02:21 PM
Posted 14 November 2006 - 03:13 PM

This is my super hero MR SMILEY. He has the power to make everyone express their smiley selves during MSN conversations and through the use of forums. He also has the ability to summon other power friends of his, these include BIG GRIN Snr and DR MAD
As if no-one else though of him.
Posted 14 November 2006 - 04:25 PM
This is my super hero MR SMILEY. He has the power to make everyone express their smiley selves during MSN conversations and through the use of forums. He also has the ability to summon other power friends of his, these include BIG GRIN Snr and DR MAD
As if no-one else though of him.
Simple but creative

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