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Dreamweaver CS5: making an Image Expand When Rolled Over

dreamweaver cs5 image expand when rolled over

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#1 Salwa


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Posted 09 November 2013 - 02:15 AM

1. Open your Dreamweaver and go to "Create New"-> "HTML"->"Design."
This will display a new webpage in design view
2.Go to "Insert" -> "Image" and select the image you want to use and click "OK" .This will insert the image on the webpage.
3.Press the Shift +F4 keys. This will display the Tag Inspector panel. Go to "Behaviors" and click on the + sign displayed below the text "Behaviors." Go to "Effects" -> "Grow/Shrink" . This will display the grow/shrink window.
4. Go to"Effect"-> "Grow" and enter any value more than 100. Your image will expand by the value percentage you specified.
5.Click "OK" then click the drop down "onClick" button. Select "onMouseOver" from the dropdown menu to add onMouseOver event to your image.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: dreamweaver cs5, image expand, when rolled over

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