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#1 amrut


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Posted 08 August 2015 - 03:08 PM

Photoshop is a raster program & Corel draw is a vector based program
1. Corel does color separations in the print function of the program. When you choose this option it then sends ALL the plates to the rip software or printer of your choice at once. The program not only allows you to separate into CMYK but Pantone colors as well.

2.The biggest difference is artistic control. All the creative effects you see are done in Photoshop. Corel does not have effects. But when you combine the powers of both you can have a nice looking billboard with a huge logo.

Things to be Kept in mind while you are making designs for Print Media in Photoshop

1.while creating the new document you must select CMYK colour mode coz colours which are choosen in RGB mode will change when they will be printed in CMYK mode.

This Will happen coz

a. RGB colour mode is an additive colour mode it add colours to bring out more colours so it’s more bright and vivid
b.while CMYK is a substractive process it suppress colours to bring out another colour.

2. choose a larger DPI so that your design wont Pixelate when you print it to bigger sizes 

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#2 anirban09p


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Posted 02 September 2015 - 04:24 AM

Corel draw is a vector based program used to make vector art. Adobes answer to corel draw is Adobe Illustrator. Corel is an older program, although still being produced, but not widely used because Adobe packages their programs.

Adobe Photoshop is a pixel based program that uses small squares of color to make a picture. This is called the DPI (dots per inch). Vector programs dont work in DPI.

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#3 stevemark



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Posted 24 September 2015 - 12:57 PM

you all need to know about


What is Rasters and vectors


A raster image is made of up pixels, each a different color, arranged to display an image.

A vector image is made up of paths, each with a mathematical formula (vector) that tells the path how it is shaped and what color it is bordered with or filled by.

The major difference is that raster image pixels do not retain their appearance as size increases – when you blow a photograph up, it becomes blurry for this reason. Vector images do retain appearance regardless of size, since the mathematical formulas dictate how the image is rendered.

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