Hi everyone,
I have just "won" a contest due to voting (many thanks to everyone for the vote!). I then had to upload the final files. May I ask, what's the point of uploading files for contests won through voting (and maybe community contests as well, not sure about those?)? I don't see the point here. The actual CH ain't gonna want it, so is there any use sending the file to DC? Plus, for abandoned contests that designers would logically no longer keep track of and possibly delete the source files, I even have to worry that if I don't send the files on time I might get infractions...
Isn't it better and faster to just award the prize immediately, like how it was done for those abandoned non guaranteed contests with ratings (based on what I remembered last time)? Or is the DC system set in such a way that it is required for me to send the files just to fulfil the system and get the prize?
If, lets say hypothetically I have deleted the files (lucky I didn't for this one!), is it ok to just download my entry image and then upload it to the final files?