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AutoCAD 2010 LT crashes on file open dialog

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#1 kolhamers


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Posted 16 September 2015 - 10:51 AM



I have recently moved my AutoCAD 2010 LT install from an old Windows 7 32 bit box to a new Windows 7 64 bit box.


Whenever an open file dialog should appear (file open, file save as etc) the program locks up.


I am not running Norton AV which appears to be a known problem.


I am running AVG CloudCare anti-virus, but disabling this does not help.



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#2 alanine


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Posted 23 September 2015 - 03:39 PM

I would prefer to use steps from AutoDesk Corp, but sometimes you need more information with solutions, in such case you may refer to threads and solution below




https://www.openfile...om/dwgopen.html DWG Open File Tool


First, open a blank DWG and run the RECOVER command. You can then browse to the problematic file, and AutoCAD will attempt to repair any errors it finds. Save the file, and then see if everything works as you expect it to. If not, continue on to the steps below:

1) Open the problematic file and make sure all layers are on and thawed.
2) Detach any XREF's.
3) Type in -PURGE at the command line (remember to enter the dash before the command). Type R for RegApps. Delete all RegApps in the file. It is not necessary to do them one by one because sometimes there can be thousands and it would take a very long time.
4) Type AUDIT, and select Y for yes to audit the file of any errors.
5) Type PURGE and purge the file of anything that can be purged.
6) Using the WBLOCK command, block out all the information in the file to create a new drawing. Select the objects by windowing them; do not just type ALL.
7) Open a blank DWG. Do not use any templates. (Set the STARTUP variable to 0, and then open a file if you are unsure if you are using templates)
8) Using the INSERT command, insert the file created in step 6.
9) EXPLODE the newly inserted information so it is not a block any longer.
10) Test to see if the file now works correctly. If it does, you can start to add in the Xref's again one by one. Test the file after each insertion. If the problem returns after inserting an Xref, you'll know that that file needs to be cleaned using these steps as well.

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