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Need help with some business card designs

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#1 coreo881


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Posted 31 January 2017 - 01:21 AM

Hey people.  I'm an amateur graphic designer and I'm making some business cards for friends.  I made and ordered a batch but when they came in, the pattern was way too subtle to be visible underneath the primary dark color I used.  So now I've re-done the design and I just want to double/triple check that the design will come out okay.  I'm attaching the redesign and the original for comparison.  Please and thank you everyone.








Something interesting I just noticed as I was uploading the Redesign to drive; the blue became much, MUCH bluer.  Here's a screenshot.  The image on the left is what I'm seeing from Win10's photo viewer.  Can anyone fill me in on why this happens?





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#2 HerbertNordal


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Posted 31 January 2017 - 05:37 AM

What program are you working in?

What color mode are you working in? (rgb, srgb, cmyk)

What color mode are you exporting to? (try SWOP).


If you do not know what I am taking about, do a google search.


For print purposes, you need to be working in CMYK.

Your saved (exported) file needs to be in the correct color space.

You might want to check with the business card printer (4Over, Vista Print) to get the exact color profile you need.


Also, you will need to provide vector art for sharp art edges.

If you are working in a paint program for web, you may also have some resolution problems.


Once again, check with your print vender. They may have seen your problem and have a fix.


Good Luck.

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#3 weiesnbach



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Posted 31 January 2017 - 05:53 AM

Quite likely you're running into  problems because you're working in RGB which is not what  you should be doing for print work.  Herbert  nailed it.  Google is your friend, try searching for "print colors", "cmyk  vs. rgb", "cmyk  color shift",  and by  all means talk  with  your printer,  find out what  type of files they need and go with that. 

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#4 coreo881


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Posted 31 January 2017 - 06:24 PM

Thanks for the replies.  I'm working in Photoshop and Indesign.  I opened a new Photoshop file and immediately changed the color mode to CMYK, then imported my pattern, changed the colors and saved the files as a PSD.  I then ported that file to Indesign to add text.  Then I exported the files as JPGs.  My resolution for the images are 350ppi.
After I sent these images to print and received the cards with the background pattern basically invisible, I asked my printer why this happened.  I didn't get much from them, but they did tell me that the pattern was too subtle for my primary dark color, and that my image may need extensive trapping.  They were very vague.
After googling around I came to the conclusion that it seemed like I needed to use a color that would contrast heavily with my pattern in order to make it show.  The redesigned image I posted above is the result of that knowledge.
I was unaware that I should check Indesign's working CMYK color profile, but after checking just now it seems like I've been working with U.S. Web Coated (SWOP) v2.  The Printer recommends GRACol2006_Coated1v2.icc so I'm making that change now.
The printer also recommended exporting to PDF so I'm making that change as well.
Hopefully it all works out...

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#5 HerbertNordal


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Posted 31 January 2017 - 11:13 PM

You need to be very careful of designs that have hairlines, especially if they are reversed out.

When a job is printed, the ink spreeds out slightly and will clog fine detail.

Printers also run the files through a "trapping" program witch tries to spread light ink colors under dark colors that touch.

It allows for the very slight mis-registration that occurs on all offset presses.


Very fine line type and hairline detail are a recipe for catastrophe when coupled with heavy ink coverage.


Fine line work may also get jagged and clogged if it is a raster image from Photoshop.

You may need to create the background in vector program like Illustrator.


Unfortunately these types of lessons are learned the hard way.

After you do enough of them, you are no longer a novice.




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#6 HerbertNordal


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Posted 01 February 2017 - 07:47 PM

Here is another little test for you.

Try opening the final file you created for the printer and zoom to see the pixels (in Photoshop).


OH NO! its all jaggy.


You are trying to create sharp detailed line art in Photoshop.

300 dpi is just fine for photos that are going to be halftone dots when printed with a standard 150 line screen.

Line art, not so much.

You may need to create your background pattern at 1200 dpi to hold sharp edges.

Some printers' preflighting may see this as an error but you need that to avoid the jaggies.

Photoshop is the wrong tool for line art, but if all you have is a hammer screws look like nails.


The best answer is to do all line art in Illustrator or other vector drawing program, and skip resolution dependent issues.

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