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How does the contest work?

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#1 tess1


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Posted 29 August 2018 - 03:31 PM

I’m new to design contest. Once my posted contest is up, how do I pick the winner and communicate with the designer to get all of the files?

#2 sharie



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Posted 29 August 2018 - 04:07 PM

HI there


Thank you for choosing designcontest.com!


We have specific knowledgebase articles just for clients  :) These articles will help guide you with running a contest.




When you start a contest, designers will submit entries ( ideas) to your contest. When you are logged in  you will be able to rate the entries 0-100, 100 being best, you will be bale to give feedback ( we have several ways you can give feedback)  




Feedback is very important. Feedback allows you to work with each designer to help you find that design you started the contest for.  On each entry you will see the feedback talk bubble icon, selecting that icon will allow you to  leave feedback. You can also  clcik on a specific entry, you will only see that entry in larger view.  Click on a specific area on that entry. A number is placed and you will see the option to leave feedback. Clcik on another area of the entry and and another number is placed. This is an outstanding method for good directive feedback  :)




When you are ready to choose a winner


Choosing a winner
You will need to be logged in and on your contest page with the entries. You will see the trophy icon on your right (next to the sort by options, under the "blue" upgrade contest button)
1. When you click on the trophy icon you will see medal outlines on all of the entries. if you see only rated..look to your viewing left and uncheck rated only box, all entries will now show
2. Click on the entry you want for gold, then silver and then bronze (silver and bronze do not receive money but they do get extra designer points and they work   hard for the  2nd and  3rd place medals) All  3 medals would need to be different designers
3. After you have your medal winners the contest then goes into finalization. You will see a green download source file button and grey  request changes button. These  buttons will take you to the private finalization where you have  7 more days to work with your winner on minor changes you may need or want
These articles can help guide you in the finalization area
Please let us know if you have any questions or need any help  :)
Thank you again for choosing designcontest.com

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