Several weeks ago Youth Affairs Federal Agency has announced the logo design contest for main Russian youth forum “Селигер”. All information and requirements to future logo were at first published on where the organizers declared a prize of 50000 rubles for the winner.

Design Contest designers have also participated in this competition and have been very active in designing. has got an intermediate stage of the competition with separate usual prize of $223. The best designs were sent to «Селигер-2014»  forum competition commision.

The contest lasted two weeks. For this period the YAFA got 279 designs more than 100 of which were created by DC designers. With pleasure and pride we want to admit that organizers and staff really liked our designs. Design Contest designers were responsible as usually, clearly fulfilled all brief requirements, created bright, youth and cheeful logos and managed to convey the main idea that young people are eager to change thier lives for better. That was the principal requirement to designers.

The wining design belongs to Matvei Nevdaev (not a DC designer):



Gold Medal in DC intermediate contest stage went to designer pawann from Argentina:



Twonzone from Russia got Silver Medal



And finally Bronze Medal went to cha70v in Russia




Here are some more brilliant designs

Logo designed by FonDrakes:


Logo designed by pawann:


Logo designed by sajid2032:


Logo designed by Johnthondy:


Logo designed by Valynok:



The organizers liked all these and some other logos and gave good ranking points to them.

By the way, there were no strict requirements to logo design. Designers were allowed to use the bravest and most vivid ideas and unleash their imagination that is the most suitable for them 🙂