Have you ever read 99 Francs (or 14.99 Euros) written by Frederic Beigbeder? Though this book is rather sharp, it reveals one common truth: in the 21st century, advertising is everything. If your advertising campaign gets successful, the whole world may find out about your success.

So, what is the main secret of any outstanding campaign? Apart from creativity, you need to be highly inventive to think of something no one has ever come up with before. Therefore, DesignContest has prepared 7 examples of the best food marketing campaigns that will amaze you for sure. You’ll definitely find here something you can be inspired with.

Food business is highly profitable. Though the competition in this sphere is rather sharp, you have lots of chances to surprise your customers and lure them into your business.

Playing with Gestalt

“Gestalt” is a German word for “image”. Playing with Gestalt means creating different images and associations that will later lead to your brand in your clients’ minds. Some of them might be shocking but the main thing is to make them strong and remarkable. However, if your advertising campaign is more like a kitsch, it might affect your sales, and not in a pleasant way. Here are two examples of completely different advertising campaigns with their deepest assessment.

Sao Braz Coffee Shop

What do you mostly associate coffee with? A strong burst of energy, early mornings, and awesome mood? In fact, coffee changes our personalities a bit by giving us the kind of drive we need when don’t feel like doing something. Keeping in mind this information, the owners of Sao Braz Coffee Shop have created an engaging advertising campaign that strikes our imagination. Take a look at this coffee machine that looks like a person. The image is so strong that it easily gets recognized.

coffee marketing

Takeaways for marketers

The Gestalt you use must be really strong to appeal to people’s feelings. Use only the images that can not only attract people’s attention but also can keep it. The more details you add, the better the general interception will be.

HotPot Noodles

Sometimes, the images you use can be too strong. Despite being bold, creative, and original, these pictures may frighten people or make them uncomfortable. This is definitely not the exact effect you want to achieve when it comes to the food niche advertising. You need to be funny but still, know your limit.

food marketing

 Takeaways for marketers

Your advertising doesn’t necessarily have to be beautiful. Still, making it repelling is not the best option when we’re speaking about such marketing niche as food (or similar to it). The main aim of any advertising you provide is to make people want to buy the product you’re advertising. Unfortunately, using repulsing object doesn’t always help you to reach this goal.

Adding more colors

We are attracted colors more than we realize that. Colors in design are as important as prayers in churches and balls on football pitches. Without them, the whole concept of design loses its most significant feature. If we’ve figured out that colors are important, we also need to understand what we can do with them to boost the effect they make on our target audience.


Drinkfinity offers you to rethink what and how you drink by showing you an outstanding example of what your drinks may actually contain and how healthy you can make them. The commercial prepared by Drinkfinity is bright, vivid, and delicious. Thanks to using sparkling colors and juicy images, the advertisement becomes much more appealing to people’s eyes. Watch the video and make sure on your own.

Takeaways for marketers

The advertising campaign should be all about showing the best features your product provides. If we’re speaking about food, the best and most efficient way is to show how delicious this product is. Bright colors will assist in emphasizing that.


The highest level of marketing skills is depicted in the method of personification. If you come up with your brand’s own character, you can use it in every advertisement, creating a catchy story for people to follow your plot. There is no denying the fact it demands more investments but the final result is definitely worth your attempts. What’s more, this refers to your long-term goals because can help you to create an advertising story.


A cheerful and stylish raspberry that offers you to try a delicious cup of hot raspberry tea. The brand has thought everything through, starting with the general appearance and finishing with the personality traits this appearance disposes. This raspberry character is aimed at making people engaged and manages with that just fine.

lipton character design

Takeaways for marketers

If you do decide to go with a character for your brand, you should realize that this process is difficult and time-consuming. It will demand more energy and resources than you might think. The character you’re making should look like alive; you need to think of every tiny detail in the clothes, appearance, and personality traits. This is the only way to make the character believable and engaging.

Bottom Line

Your food marketing campaign can be extremely successful. All you need is a good imagination, understanding the main marketing principles, and a sparkle of luck. DesignContest can help you with all these 3 elements. Turn to us and your food marketing campaign will be unforgetful.