Are you looking for inspiration or ideas for your own graphic design projects? Looking for tips and guidance on starting your own graphic designed web comics? Or do you simply enjoying browsing through other artists’ work and appreciate what they have done? How about simple appreciation for web comics revolving around our favorite subject, graphic design? Here are two handy sites that offer all that and so much more.

Instant Shift

This site is a great resource for graphic designers who are interested and seeking to dabble in the comics genre. Chock full of various artist’s work and information and tips, this is a great website for even for non-designers and those who are just simply interested in comic design as a whole. This site features comic themes such as technology, lawsuits, history, electronics, social situations, and so much more. With over sixty featured artworks, you can spend plenty of time perusing this site while gaining inspiration and tips on designing or bettering your own designs. The site is laid out well, with simply scrolling action will lead you from one piece of work to another without you having to click and go back to a previous page.  This is also a great site for those who simply enjoy web comics and want to appreciate the artist’s work and concept for the design.

Monster Guy

What seems to be a site made up by one individual, it sure does offer a good gallery of his web comics work. This site is very basic and yet clean and straightforward. Easy to navigate and locate topics, any viewer can thoroughly enjoy and appreciate the work of this talented individual. The artwork is simple as the site (in a good way) with continual characters and short web comics to keep the viewer’s interest on hook. The themes of the web comics vary from anything related to politics, Star Wars, or just everyday life in general. Under several of the web comics, the artist also posts random tidbits either related or not even at all related to the above feature work of art. The posts are interesting to read as gives you a better idea and what inspired the artist to create such work. This is a relatively new site and web comic art are slowly but surely being loaded to the site on a weekly basis. The cool thing about the artist is that he offers random fundraising drives to support various charities in the state of New York where the artist is based out of.