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Making Glossy Button with PSP

making glossy button paint shop pro

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#1 OneDes


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Posted 23 February 2013 - 02:44 PM

To make glossy button in Paint Shop pro 7 and above do the following:
1. Go to File-> new and create a new file with the dimensions 200x200 pixels and make the background black using the toolbar.
2.Add a new layer by going to Layers -> New Raster Layer
3. select the selection tool and make a square selection in the image.
4 Set the foreground color to red for example (#ff0000). Now, Floodfill current selection with the color red.
5. select the Freehand Selection tool and remove the lower selection in the image below. To do this hold down the CTRL key, and click your mouse on the all corners.
Selection Settings = Point to point
Anti-Alias = checked
Feather = 0
6.Add a new layer. Go to Layers->New Raster Layer. Set your foreground and stroke properties as gradient and then flood fill the current selection with the gradient.
7.change the layer’s current blend mode property as “Lighten”. Go to Layers-> properties->Blend Mode ‘Lighten’.
8.Add a border using the pen tool.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: making glossy button, paint shop pro

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