I love your PSCA - I would rate it with 100 points

*FIGHT LIFE - 10 points - too much going on, i dont like the face (it is scary)

and to much gradients (it would be better with solid colors)
*firefly - 80 points - i love icon but font is too much SF - other font and it would be better

*pointe - 60 points - too much shadow on female figurine - it would be almost invisible in small size i think

and i dont like the font

*centaur - 70 points - i dont like colors and slogan is not centered with name

(first s is out of the line)

* programmer - 40 points - i dont like font maybe it would be better with some text effects, guy is good but shirt is to plain if you compare with face

*caveman -85 points - guy is good but something is just wrong with circle and square