Thanks for your time...
Critiques needed please..!
I thought I did a decent job with this one...please review this design and help me learn
Thanks for your time...
critiques prabhuganga review webprostudio
Posted 24 February 2014 - 01:07 PM
Love the color choices. My only critique is that the smaller size of studio at the end seems to put it off balance a bit.. Not sure if this is just due to the larger size of the stand alone logo. Might've tried finding a way to place it beneath webpro. Overall nice job, though. Very clean look.
Posted 25 February 2014 - 12:25 PM
Hi kristi,thanks a lot for your comments.Love the color choices. My only critique is that the smaller size of studio at the end seems to put it off balance a bit.. Not sure if this is just due to the larger size of the stand alone logo. Might've tried finding a way to place it beneath webpro. Overall nice job, though. Very clean look.
Perhaps I should've considered placing the 'studio'
beneath the main name.
Posted 03 March 2014 - 09:48 PM
Hi Prabhuganga.
It's not far off but I have some problems with the design as it stands.
kristijp is right about the word studio - it is out of balance and doesn't work at all.
The colors are quite nice but because of the presentation you have an awful lot of orange to have such a small amount of grey on the word studio. It would look better if you presented just the version on white. I like the look of the icon you have made but I don't understand it, as far as I can see it has no particular relevance to this company - it could be used for any. I think the icon crowds the text - this would also be better balanced if the word studio was positioned underneath. Orange can also be a bit controversial(some CH's hate it) so if you're not sure about the CH's colour preferences I would advise that you submit a blue version too!
I hope this helps
It's not far off but I have some problems with the design as it stands.
kristijp is right about the word studio - it is out of balance and doesn't work at all.
The colors are quite nice but because of the presentation you have an awful lot of orange to have such a small amount of grey on the word studio. It would look better if you presented just the version on white. I like the look of the icon you have made but I don't understand it, as far as I can see it has no particular relevance to this company - it could be used for any. I think the icon crowds the text - this would also be better balanced if the word studio was positioned underneath. Orange can also be a bit controversial(some CH's hate it) so if you're not sure about the CH's colour preferences I would advise that you submit a blue version too!
I hope this helps
Edited by GJR, 12 March 2014 - 05:12 PM.
Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: critiques, prabhuganga, review, webprostudio
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