When it comes to graphic design, we often get caught doing the same tired old things over and over. You probably have a niche corner you rely on but without core projects, do you have many other skills to fall back on? If so, you can take steps to enhance your marketability, as well as to simply increase the quality of your designing life. If you’re looking for new avenues to consider adding to your workflow, we have a few quality project ideas for you.

  1. iOS App Design: Okay, so maybe you could also consider doing any other mobile platform, but iOS design is our primary target here. You see, app money is big money, and a lot of people are looking to cash in on this. We’ve seen everyone from our local sub shop to giant corporations pumping out their own iPhone, Android, or Windows Phone apps. You, as a designer, have a great opportunity here to cash in on the trade. All of these apps, when they’re created well, need a designer to lay them out. That means you, which also means more cash in your pocket. If you’re afraid of the coding, remember that you can easily hire out the work to another contractor. However, we strongly suggest you look into this. There’s a lot of money to be made, and a lot of potential.
  2. Package Design: This is an area we’ve been pursuing quite heavily recently, as we’re really enamored with the art form. However, if you’ve never considered package design as a viable means of making a living, we highly suggest you give it a go. Every product, no matter how big or small, needs a package. When companies want their products to look their best, they don’t just put out a cardboard box. They call someone like you to handle the design of the packaging! It can be a real puzzle sometimes to meet the client’s material demands, but when the whole thing is said and done, it’s a very powerful experience to hold in your hand the physical efforts you’ve designed digitally. And for that, we’d go to any length to expand our skill set.