Before we go any further, we felt we should mention that we are in no way suggesting one must obtain a degree in graphic design to be successful. We’re living proof that this isn’t always true. That being said, in most cases, earning a designing degree can give you an upper-hand over other competitors, and at the very least, it guarantees a thorough knowledge of the field and the tools required to create incredible projects. With that in mind, we thought we’d put our heads together and slap out a few of the choice reasons to go back to school, emerging four years later with a degree in graphic design. Starting with:

  1. Networking: One of the hardest parts of starting a graphic design firm from scratch is finding your market. Without some kind of background in the field, or a friend-of-a-friend referral, locating work can be quite the challenge. By obtaining a degree in graphic design, you’ll be avoiding most of these unpleasantries, as most institutions will not only help you find an internship or position, but may even give you some quality names to draw from as the projects start to roll in. At the very least, your professors, assuming they like you enough, will be around to offer second or third opinions about your creations: That alone is worth the time spent studying.
  2. Portfolio Overhaul: Another reason to pursue a degree in graphic design is for the portfolio workout. Without a schooling in the field, you’ll have to do all the legwork yourself, finding avenues in which to create materials for display. This might mean working for free at first, simply to obtain something to show prospective clients. With an education in graphic design, though, there’s no rule that says you can’t use your homework as portfolio stuffers. Drag out that final from last semester and show it to some potential clients. After all, you did pay for the tuition.
  3. Better Skill Sets: And lastly, earning a degree in graphic design absolutely prepares you for a job in the field. By spending your time in the academic trenches, you ensure that you know the tools required, as well as the work they’re used for. All in all, emerging with a diploma in hand will save you a lot of on-the-job training (and mistakes) and helps you put the right foot forward from the start.