You’ve just setup your Internet start-up, and now you’re anxious to get your website up and on the air. However, you haven’t got the time right now to pump out a fully produced work, and instead you’ve opted to add a loading or coming soon page to hold the fort. This is a common way to go, and no matter if you’re making the item for yourself or for a client, you’re still going to have to work a little to ensure it doesn’t seem tacky.

  1. Simplicity Above All Else: If we can stress anything, its that simplicity is by and large the only thing you should really be worrying about. When it comes to a coming soon page, the only thing your viewers are going to want to know is that the site will be coming up soon. As such, go with the basics: Throw in a logo, a quick message, and maybe a finished-by date, if you’d like or if you have one. Aside from this, don’t touch a damn thing!
  2. Be Brief: Another important point is to stay brief with the text on your coming soon page. As mentioned, most of your viewers could not care in the least why the site isn’t up yet. All they’re interested in is a basic yes or no question: “Is the site up yet?” If you’d like to include some content, just ensure that it’s brief, to the point, and says nothing that goes against where the site will end up being. On that note:
  3. Be Friendly: No, you don’t have to justify yourself to these preliminary viewers. Still, try to be as polite and as friendly as possible with your loading page. If you’re capable of it, throw in some humor to lighten up the situation. The fact that your site isn’t operational yet may be a real inconvenience to some of your users. Make up for the fact by being endearing, and we promise you’ll have more views and visits later, once the site is actually online and ready to roll.