In one of our previous posts we discussed potential reasons why you may or may not have secured that last graphic design job. Clients can be finicky, but before you write off your lack of success on the client, why not first evaluate your methods? Believe it or not, we are all human, and humans make lots of procedural errors. If that’s not clear enough, what we’re saying is this: Not signing a client is a tragedy, especially when one needs the work, but it doesn’t have to be the end of the world! Take the ashes and learn from them, that way you’re better prepared at the next go round. To help you out, we’ll start with a simple, easy to correct fix:


  1. Beef-Up The Mockup: We’ve heard it all before, and more times than we can stomach, actually. More often than not, a designer will spare the mockup the attention it deserves because, well, it’s only a mockup. However, if you pitch a design to a client with a less than satisfactory wireframe, and then your competitor pitches the same design with a better visual representation, who do you think will get the job? It’s simple math: The more effort you put into the hook of your pitch (that is the mockup) the more likely you are to win the client.
  2. Keep A Calendar: Often, if a mockup is terrible, it’s not because the design itself was poor, or even the execution. When we’ve had to cut corners on a mockup, it’s usually because our timing was off. We rushed it at the last minute, or failed to provide enough hours to adequately think through a design. This is an easy fix, though! Next time you’re pitching to a client, set aside all the time you’ll need, ensuring the maximum amount of effort (and success) on your part.
  3. Want It, And They Will Sign: Lastly, if you didn’t really want the client to begin with, your attitude will show through on almost every level. We aren’t talking about outwardly telling a client to screw off, but the principle is the same. If your pitch is lackluster, your delivery unenthusiastic, and your personal connection with the client weak, it may be because the work simply isn’t a fit for you. Don’t be ashamed of it! Simply say no, and then find work that will better enthuse your creative juices.