So, you are a designer. You have great web design skills. You have a vivid imagination and thousands of ideas you want to implement in life. Would that be enough if you want to achieve a considerable success in terms of web design? Sadly, no. In order to be on top, you need to know specific web design techniques that will differentiate you from other designers in a very beneficial way.


Prototyping makes clients understand the concepts of future designs you provide due to the visualization steps. Except for the basic prototyping techniques (e.g. SQVID, a tool of an applied imagination), there are also applications designed to create a complete understanding between a client and designers. Depicting the features that work and those that fail, prototyping helps to avoid mistakes in web design, reducing its cost while making the quality even higher.

Marvel App

is a plugin for Sketch that speeds up the process of creating prototypes and saves lots of your time. It makes your idea alive while synchronizing your prototype from a cloud storage.

Mockup Builder

An online tool that is as easy as A, B, C. If you have a wish to master it, you’ll be able to do it successfully in a very short period of time. The tool will show you the way of understanding your clients a lot better by meeting their requirements. Enabling you to specify the design’s functionality to your clients and a wide range of beneficial options, Mockup Builder kind of reads your mind and transfers your thoughts to your client.


The first benefit Vectr brings is that it is totally free of charge. The second benefit of Vector is that you can use it either online or download this app and use it on your laptop. The third benefit Vectr brings is that the prototyping designed in Vectr look almost alive – you get the impression that if you reach out to the logo designed in Vects, you can almost touch it and feel it.

Call to action

Call to action is that very technique that helps your website to achieve the result you want it to. Your website is a channel of communication between your clients and you. Doesn’t matter if you want your clients to buy your stuff, use your services or simply go to the page you want them to – as far as you may be on different continents, your clients won’t hear you. However, you can show them what to do – using visualization and a call to action.


The website deals with restaurants booking through all over the world. It’ clean, spacey and makes you feel relaxed and calm. What’s more, it has a certain call to action that is highlighted on every website’s page due to the red color. The buttons that call to action were designed the way they cannot be left unnoticed.

Boom Botix

The website deals with acoustic systems but not in the way we’re all used to. The website mesmerizes us and makes us stay on this website as long as we can. What’s more, a call to action is brilliantly designed in the shape of one small button that shows us the cost of the product we observe and stays with us from the moment we see this acoustic system to the very end of the web page. Revealing more and more great features the product has, this button becomes more and more appealing.

Simon Sweeney

This web designer and developer has gone even further, presenting the call to action in terms of scrolling. A circle scrolling is a new engaging feature that speaks of infinity. What’s more, the only call to action you get on this white background is Sweeney’s email itself.


KISS technique is no longer a secret for those who deal with web design. Firstly, no design can survive without being simple (and the KISS technique refers exactly to that point). Keep It Simple… What does another S than stand for? Stupidity, but in an engaging way. People like things to be clear and easy to grasp, especially when it comes to mobile apps’ design. The less time your clients spend thinking of web design, the more chances your design has to win their hearts and minds.

To Sum Up

Knowing web design is hard – you need to feel it, live it, and its main techniques need to be in your blood. These web design techniques were thought to make web design world easier and more pleasant to use.

Do you personally have any favorite web design techniques? If you do, which once, then? DesignContest is waiting for your replies!