In a previous post we detailed a bit more about what an online site builder actually is. This included a brief look at how they work, as well as some other tidbits that you should know about them. However, we skated over one of the most pressing issues about a site builder, and that is this: When should I opt to hard-code a website page-by-page, and when should I instead use a simple site builder to create my projects?

Do You Need a Huge Site?

If you’re required by a client to construct a positively massive site, then you might want to reconsider your use of a site builder, especially if eCommerce is at the hood of the project. You see, a site builder can be a very valuable tool for smaller sites, as it allows you to create an entire network within only a few hours. However, with larger sites you’ll start running into page restrictions, bandwidth limits, and even tool failure with even the best of online site building tools. Then again, some of our favorite providers also give you more than enough room to work with, as well as tools that can meet even the largest of needs. So all in all, before agreeing to produce a ginormous site with nothing but an online site builder, just check with the provider you have in mind to see what sort of tools and performance they can allow you. Above all, you simply want to avoid finding a lid on your head where you don’t in fact want one.

Do You Need a Whole Lot of Code?

Are you planning to use a whole load of really complex and very heavy code within your site’s construction? In essence, do you have a need for some kind of bloated design element that will need you to construct CSS elements out the yin yang? If so, then avoid an online site builder. They’re massively great for constructing simple sites very quickly (and sites that look good), but if you need to modify the actual code of your site, you’ll find yourself out of luck with most providers.