Unlike photography, designers can usually manage to handle illustrations within their projects without any sort of outsourcing. However, occasionally there are times when you simply need an outside hand to help you along. Whether because of a lack of technical drawing prowess or just no desire to tackle a long project under time constraints, occasionally you need to outsource illustration work to another artist. However, before you send over the work, ensure the illustrator you’re hiring are top-shelf quality.

  1. Absolutely Incredible Work: If you’re outsourcing work to an illustrator because you believe your own artistic skills aren’t enough to get the job done, it only stands to reason that you would want to hire an individual with an infinitely higher degree of artistic capability. As such, it’s our firm belief that this person should come with darn near the best book you’ve ever seen. Don’t settle for less, and always demand to see work that’s been created within the last few months. You want to get an accurate appraisal of what the artist is capable of doing now, not what they were producing while under tutelage back in art school.
  2. Professional Behavior: Too often in this line of work we see artists or other creative professionals that simply don’t live up to the standards we hold for our business. We expect our illustrators to produce competent work on time, and without any hang-ups. We understand that things happen, but you should always ensure that the person you’re giving part of your project over to will be ready with the illustrations when you need them. Unlike a photographer, who may be standing in for you to do a shoot, an illustrator will not directly be representing you. Still, if they fail to produce the materials you need on-time, it’s you who has to tell the client there’s been a delay. This never looks good, and it should never be you apologizing for someone your paying’s mistakes. It’s really as simple as that.