SMM and blogging is a powerful promotional tool. However, not everyone can use it accordingly. Instead, lots of business sharks and small developing businesses waste marketing budget on useless stuff while complaining about its uselessness.
How do we successfully use SMM and blogging without wasting tons of time and money on it?

The first secret lays in incorporating accessible and effective tools. They are designed to reduce the amount of time and money you spend on your social media and blogs, plus better its quality.

The first essential element you shall care about is SEO!
Most of you are familiar with this term. Search Engine Optimization increases the amount of visitors to your website when it puts your site higher on the list of results returned by a search engine. It is necessary for marketing any business. No only it helps to increase the amount of visitors, but also boosts conversion.
We have picked out the best (in our opinion) and free SEO tools that will cover some (if not all) of your common needs in this area. They are fast and easy, so there won’t be a problem in using them. Did I mention they’re free?

Let’s begin with a must-have tool – Google Analytics


This tool presents you finished image of your web statistics and search insights. Not only it analyzes every piece of traffic your website receives, but also presents gives you a look at the keywords which people used to land onto your site.

Next is Quicksprout


While being quite similar to the previous one, it’s still got unique features of its own.

Yet to try Google Webmaster Tools?


Always be informed about errors that occur within your website!

Google PageSpeed Insights


Check out the loading time of your website for computers and mobile device. Simple enter a URL and get to know whether your site needs some improvements to be made.

Google Trends


Want to know about hot-topic content? Looking to better your SEO? Check your keywords for relevance.

Google Keyword Planner


Type into a keyword or a group of them into the tool and let Google guide your keyword strategy.

Keyword Tool


Need more longer keyword combinations? Enter your keyword and receive tons of long-tail keywords ordered alphabetically.


similar web

This tool is great for comparing your website’s traffic with your competitors’ websites.



See your website from search engines’ point of view.

SEO SiteCheckup


Runs through your site looking over any mistakes in tags.

Look for more useful SEO tools here!


Are your posts are really as useful and shareable as you thing? Understand and constantly monitor interests of your target audience. Your visitors are looking forward to unique and interesting posts, which means you have to work hard on each piece you give them.

Make your content:

1. Correct: proofread-proofread-proofread!

2. Relevant: cover latest topics, know your trends!

3. Straight to the point: do not beat around the bush, it’s not interesting.

4. Readable: can you make out words using that font? Preview before publishing!

5.Usable: something practical that can be applied and turned back to. Become shareable!

If you have trouble coming up with ideas, turn to Klout. It gives you an info about what your audience is interested in and what has not been covered yet. So you can be the first!

Another vital point is Visual Support!

Presenting information visually makes it easier for your visitors to comprehend it.

If you have trouble using Photoshop or any other graphic editor, there are lots of online services you can use to make graphics, phonographic, banners, posters, features for your posts etc.

For example, Canva here let’s you design almost anything by yourself with ready-made templates.


Create unique infographics with Piktochart service.


Need to depict your statistics in a blog? Use Infogr for that! Any kind of chart or diagrams you may need.


Making tutorials? Use LICEcap tool to make animated gifs of your screen.


Social Media

Social media help business interact with their clients and receive feedback quickly. However, presenting your brand in many social networks may take lots of time

Here are a few head-ups to better your performance in social media.

If you are present on many social networks and have trouble managing them – Hootsuite is just what you need. Connect all your social networks with one service to make planning and posting easier.


Analyze and improve your Twitter activity with TweetReach!


Plus, get more information about your followers, their age, location, interests with FollowerWonk.


Check out what people are saying about you, your brand or your company with SocialMention


Sure hope this post will allow you to perfect your social media marketing strategy! Apply those useful tools and see how it becomes noticeably better!