DesignContest is an extremely convenient platform for graphic design solutions. When you’re in need of a design, be it logo or website or any other category, this is a place that harvests all the talented graphic designers. Launching your own contest is easy; it all begins with the project brief.

What is a good design brief?

A good design brief is one that eloquently communicates your project details and gives your designers a comprehensive understanding of what your requirenments and objectives are. If you do not provide a comprehensive brief, your expectations will likely not be met and the designers will have to dedicate extra time and effort in order to get you that winning design. Sometimes it is difficult to articulate your ideas in regards to your project, but spending a little bit more time to provide extra details and a concise description will go a long way.

The creative process begins with a brief. If you fail to deliver a clear description and all the key requirnments, the designers will be mislead in the later stages as it is all part of the creative process:

The Creative Process

How to Write a Good Design Brief

To ensure satisfying results that will reflect both the time and the money spent on your project, do follow this set of advice when writing up your brief. These key points will help you get started.

1. About your business

Write a few sentences to tell the designers a bit more about your company, brand or business. 

What does your company do and why does it need a design? The designers should be able to answer the basic questions: Who? What? Where? Why? 

2. Target audience

Who is your target audience? Give the designers a general overview of  your target audience group.

Who is your ideal client? This is an important detail in your project brief. Describe your idea client in detail; the designers will have a better understanding of whom it is they are designing for. This detail is kept in mind at all times, so the better image you paint, the more on-point designs you will receive.

3. Objective with your new design

Regardless of your contest category, you must have an objective in mind with this design. Share this with designers, as it will give them the bigger picture.

What do you expect from this new design? Describe your desired outcome, or what will constitute a successful design. 

4. Styles and colors

As part of your brief, you can include the color palette of your preferance and the kind of style you have envisioned for your new design. These two elements are very important in providing the designers with an understanding of what direction to work in. This part of your brief will also serve as the inspiration for designers.

How to Write a Good Project Brief

5. Design requests

As every project and design is unique, you may have addition information you may wish to share with designers that could be of help. Mention this in your project brief. For instance, is there a particular message the new design needs to communicate to your audience?

This is also a good place to mention what you DON’T want to see in your new design. 

Try to implement these guidelines in a clear and concise manner; there is no need to write extensive descriptions nor is it good to state something too bluntly.

Lastly, keep it simple and professional 🙂


See example of a design brief