We’ve been talking a lot in recent weeks about the best strategies for creating a killer logo. This is something we’ve been quite interested in, as we’ve recently been inundated with a ton of logo orders. As such, we thought it might be a good idea for us to pass along some of the boundless knowledge that we’ve been accumulating during the last few weeks. And no message is even half as important as this one: Do not under any circumstances decide that it’s okay to use stock art in a logo. Have you already done this? No worries. Just don’t do it again, and here’s why:

  1. You’re Being Paid: When someone hires you to create a custom logo for them, they’re not hiring you to produce some sort of collaboration that cobbles together a bunch of different elements you found on the Internet. No, they’re paying you to create something that’s wholly unique, wholly original, and wholly moving in terms of product. Do you think the Coca-Cola logo would be half what it is today if it had simply been copied and traced out of somewhere else? Heck no! So before you head to the stock vectors site, just remember that you’re not being paid to be the guy that can use a mouse—you’re being paid to be the artist that you are!
  2. You’re Cutting Out Other Options: One of the other aspects you’re overlooking if you decide to go with the stock art route is the fact that you have other avenues open to you. For instance, if you’re faced with creating some kind of illustration that you’re simply not talented enough to do, why not hire an illustrator to get it done for you? This could cost as little as $50, and in the end it could make you one heck of a lot of money! So before you go with a prefab art piece, remember that you can in fact outsource portions of the project to make the logo better.
  3. It’s Not Groundbreaking: And lastly, as a graphic designer we feel you should have an almighty urge to create things that are revolutionary. Don’t you want to invent the next Pepsi logo, something that will last for ages and will show what you’re truly capable of? When in doubt, ask yourself: “What can I brag about next Thanksgiving?”