Sure, your eCommerce site may have the coolest website design since sliced bread, but if you don’t have the strategies in place to keep the customer coming back, your sales lacking. In fact, if you aren’t regularly working to improve the existing content of your eCommerce site, you may not be pulling in any revenue at all! How can you avoid this? It’s simple, really! There are a few basic steps you can take to ensure your site continues to hold customer attention, and they’re really not that difficult.

  1. The Copy is King: First and foremost, how’s your product copy and description? Have you worked hard to describe your items in as luscious of detail as possible? If you haven’t, you’re really missing out on a great opportunity to hook your readers, as well as further establish your brand name. Let us explain: Product copy, besides the product photos, are the only introduction your web-based eCommerce customers will have to the items they’ll be spending money on. As such, copy is the forefront of trust, and must convey something about the products that your customers will appreciate. Be snarky, be sassy, but above all else, be creative. Take the time to work hard on your creative copy lines.
  2. The Photos: Next, also ensure the photos you’re using for your website are up to par. If they look like they’ve been shot in a basement without any sort of detail at all, the customer isn’t very likely to want to chip in for the product. Shoot these well, and in such a way that it immediately highlights the benefits of the product. If you have to, hire someone else to take these photos for you. There’s no harm in outsourcing work you aren’t prepared to handle, trust us.
  3. Simple Checkout: Lastly, be sure the checkout and sales portion of the design is streamlined to be as easy to use as possible. There’s nothing worse than a confusing or non-functional sales section of your eCommerce site, and if the procedure is too difficult, you may be turning your customers away. As such, just walk through the process as your users will, noticing areas in which the site can be improved, as well as places where the design is spot-on.