Impact of color on design

Deciding on the right color is one of top priorities when creating a new design. Plus, it’s a very difficult task. Sometimes the color you have chosen to use in the design project is as meaningful and important as a font or image. Not only it is the main...

Creating poster for a music festival

Summer is a perfect time for music festivals: people camp in tents and listen to their favorite music outside of crowded, noisy cities. Festival goers enjoy this unique atmosphere of good company and amazing sound plus side activities. But how do those events gather so much people at one...

Vote for the best Game of Thrones T-shirt design

Best Tutorials for World of Warcraft Fans

World of Warcraft (WoW) is a famous MMORPG released in 2004 by Blizzard Entertainment. It may seem out-of-date to some of you, but yet it remains as a world’s most-subscribed MMORPG, especially if we take into consideration that just a few weeks ago a movie “Warcraft: The Beginning” was...

Top 9 Art and Design Museums in the USA

Sometimes online and printed graphic design resources are not enough to fuel your inspiration. What you need is a real life experience, which may be received through viewing and taking a part of graphic design first hand. In the USA there are many museums that cater to your design appetite and...

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